This repository contains the source-code for the tutorial Up and flying with the AR.Drone and ROS: Getting started.
In the downloads section, you will also find the supporting virtual machine image, which includes all software and source-code required to run this tutorial.
In this tutorial (#1) we will:
- Install ROS, the AR.Drone driver and AR.Drone keyboard controller
- Fly the AR.Drone using the provided keyboard controller
In tutorials 2-5, we will:
- Modify the keyboard controller to work with a joystick or control pad, giving much finer control (coming late December)
- Look more closely at the data sent back from the drone and play with the on-board tag detection (coming early January)
- Write a controller for the drone which allows us to control drone velocity, rather than body angle (coming late January)
- Look at computer vision applications using some existing ROS packages (coming early February)
Head over to Robohub for the full tutorial