Effortlessly respond to device orientation events and changes
- ember-cli < 0.2.3
ember install:addon ember-orientation
- ember-cli >= 0.2.3
ember install ember-orientation
Included in this addon is a service that emits events on orientation change...
let MyComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
didInsertElement() {
this.get('orientation').on('tilt', evt => {
console.log(`alpha: ${evt.alpha}\tbeta: ${evt.beta}\tgamma: ${evt.gamma}`);
...and has properties with the latest orientation values that you can bind to
let MyComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
alphaTiltAngle: Ember.computed.alias('orientation.alpha')
The service also has two methods to make the tilt data more easily consumable
- a 9-length transformation matrix calculated from alpha, beta and gamma as follows:- normalVector - a 3-length unit vector normal to the screen of the device.
To make this service even easier to use, a mixin is included
import DeviceOrientationAware from 'ember-orientation/mixins/device-orientation-aware';
let MyComponent = Ember.Component.extend(DeviceOrientationAware, {
// Fires whenever tilt exceeds "sensitivity"
didTilt(evt) {
let {alpha, beta, gamma} = evt;
// A debounced version
debouncedDidTilt(evt) {
let {alpha, beta, gamma} = evt;
// tiltAlpha, tiltBeta, tiltGamma properties are included
transformStyle: Ember.computed('tiltAlpha', 'tiltBeta', 'tiltGamma', {
get() {
return `transform: rotateZ(${(this.get('tiltAlpha') - 180 )}deg) ` +
`rotateX(${this.get('tiltBeta')}deg) ` +
`rotateY(${- this.get('tiltGamma')}deg)`;
in your config/environment.js
, you may configure some options
module.exports = function(environment) {
var ENV = {
orientationServiceDefaults: {
debounceTimeout : 50, // ms
tiltAngleSensitivity: 1, // degrees
injectionFactories : [ 'view', 'component']
- Debounce time used fordebouncedDidTilt
will only be called when tilt angle along any access is>=
this value (in degrees)injectionFactories
- customize which types of objects theorientation
service will be injected onto upon initialization
git clone
this repositorynpm install
bower install
ember server
- Visit your app at http://localhost:4200.
ember test
ember test --server
ember build
- Image Source: Opera developer docs
For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://www.ember-cli.com/.