A powerful jQuery extension that automates scrolling and fixed headers and footers.
By default it will size a table to it's parent container, fix the position of the header and footer, add horizontal and vertical scrolling as needed, and resize reactively to window resize events.
(bower): bower install jtablescroll
(npm): npm install jTableScroll
(nuget): Install-Package jtablescroll
2013 Mike Allison
<table id="tableToScroll">
<th>Column 1</th>
<th>Column 2</th>
<th>Column 3</th>
<td>Data 1</td>
<td>Data 2</td>
<td>Data 3</td>
<td>Foot 1</td>
<td>Foot 2</td>
<td>Foot 3</td>
<script src="jquery.jTableScroll-1.6.0.js"></script>
reactive: (bool)(optional)(default: true) enable reactive sizing to parent control
width: (int)(optional) desired max width in pixels
height: (int)(optional) desired height in pixels
backgroundcolor: (string)(optional)(default: #fffff) table header bg color