open whiteboard
is a drawing websocket javascript application,
you can find more information on the given link.
draw come as an otp application
see also draw with naga
Get draw
>git clone
>cd draw
>make rel
Start Draw
>cd draw
>rel/draw/bin/draw start
or get a console to see log :)
>rel/draw/bin/draw console
Open http://localhost:8001/draw
in your browser,
open a second web browser on the same url, or a tab
in the first browser then start to draw. :)
draw is shipped with cb_admin, http://localhost:8001/admin
Behind the scenes, you should look at:
├── apps <----- boss app folder
│ ├── cb_admin
│ └── draw
├── deps
│ ├── boss <----- all yours deps boss ... and yours
│ └── ...
├── dist
│ └── draw-<rel.vsn>.tar.gz <----- your tarball
├── Makefile
├── rebar
├── rebar.config
└── rel
├── files
│ ├── draw
│ ├── draw.cmd
│ ├── erl
│ ├── install_upgrade.escript
│ ├── nodetool
│ ├── start_erl.cmd
│ ├── sys.config
│ └── vm.args
├── reltool.config
└── vars.config