Hello there 👋, my name is Miguel Fierro.
🤖 I lead the Personalization team at Microsoft. We are a team of Data Scientists and Software Engineers working on Recommendation Systems, NLP, Computer Vision and other Machine Learning solutions.
💬 In addition, I help people understand and apply AI. Whether you want to switch your career to Data Science, land a job in a big tech company, grow your Data Science career, or apply AI to your business, I can help you. ➡️➡️ Join my AI community ⬅️⬅️
💻 I'm a maintainer of Recommenders, the top open source repository in Recommendation Systems. I have also contributed to the deep learning frameworks MXNet and CNTK. In this repo you can find a portfolio of machine learning projects. Finally, outside machine learning, I have built my own blog from scratch, that looks like a LaTeX paper.
⚡ Fun fact: The picture in my profile is the HOAP-3 humanoid robot. I did my PhD thesis with it. Here is a fun video of HOAP dancing.
- 🤖 My Journey to Microsoft and What I've Learned Along the Way - Part 6
- 🤖 My Journey to Microsoft and What I've Learned Along the Way - Part 5
- 🤖 My Journey to Microsoft and What I've Learned Along the Way - Part 4
- 🤖 My Journey to Microsoft and What I've Learned Along the Way - Part 3
- 🤖 My Journey to Microsoft and What I've Learned Along the Way - Part 2