This software provides a way to use MidoNet as a backend for Kubernetes networking. Namely, it provides the following Kubernetes networking functionalitites.
- Basic cluster network, that is, connectivity among Pods, Nodes, and the apiserver
- Services with ClusterIP type (Note: externalIPs are ignored)
This software is tested with:
- Kubernetes v1.10 (by the CI)
- Kubernetes v1.11 (occasionally)
- MidoNet 5.6
- Even if a Service has multiple Endpoints, only one endpoint which happens to be first is always used. I.e. no load-balancing. MNA-1264
The doc directry contains internal documentations
The design doc might have more details
- docker
% TAG=1.1 % ./ ${TAG}
The build process include some unit tests, and generates a JUnit compatible result XML file in the
build directory for easy CI integration (junit.xml
See the output of the above script.
% TAG=1.1 % ./ ${TAG}
Note: This uses "docker manifest" command, which is experimental. You might need to enable the experimental feature on your docker environment. And/or you might need to upgrade your docker.
See the output of the above script.
The following procedure assumes kubeadm based deployment. But something similar should apply to other deployment methods as well.
Deploy MidoNet as usual.
- Every Kubernetes nodes including the master node should run MidoNet agent.
- The following instruction assumes that MidoNet Host names and Kubernetes Node names are same for each nodes. It's usually the case because both of them are inferred from the hostname.
- No need to create a tunnel zone. The integration will create its own automatically.
- Some of these assumptions can be overridden with manual annotations.
"kubeadm init" with Node IPAM enabled. (This integration relies on Node's spec.PodCIDR.)
% kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr=
- Remove kube-proxy. (It isn't necessary or compatible with this integration. Unfortunately, kubeadm unconditionally sets it up. cf. kubeadm issue 776)
% kubectl -n kube-system delete ds kube-proxy
- After stopping kube-proxy, you might need to remove iptables rules installed by kube-proxy manually. Note: the following commands would remove many of relevant rules but leave some of rules and chains installed by kube-proxy. The simplest way to get a more clean state is to reboot the system.
% sudo iptables -t nat -F KUBE-SERVICES % sudo iptables -F KUBE-SERVICES
- Look at manifests directory in this repository. Copy and edit midonet-kube-config.template.yaml to match your deployment. The modified file will be called midonet-kube-config.yaml hereafter.
- Apply manifests.
% kubectl apply -f midonet-kube-config.yaml % kubectl apply -f midonet-kube.yaml
- "Untaint" the master node if you want.
- If you have workers, do "kubeadm join" as usual.
midonet-kube-controllers use a CRD "Translation" to store the intermediate objects converted from Kubernetes resources like Pods and Services. You can investigate them with kubectl command. "tr" is a short name for the CRD.
- Get a list of Translation resources for a Service.
% kubectl -n kube-system get tr -l$(kubectl -n kube-system get svc kube-dns -o jsonpath='{.metadata.uid}') NAME AGE service-port.3.kube-system-kube-dns-dns- 9d service-port.3.kube-system-kube-dns-dns-tcp- 9d service.3.kube-dns 9d
- The same for an Endpoints.
% kubectl -n kube-system get tr -l$(kubectl -n kube-system get ep kube-dns -o jsonpath='{.metadata.uid}') NAME AGE endpoints-port.3.kube-dns-dns- 11s endpoints-port.3.kube-dns-dns- 10s endpoints-port.3.kube-dns-dns- 10s endpoints-port.3.kube-dns-dns- 8s endpoints-port.3.kube-dns-dns- 1h endpoints-port.3.kube-dns-dns- 22s endpoints-port.3.kube-dns-dns-tcp- 10s endpoints-port.3.kube-dns-dns-tcp- 9s endpoints-port.3.kube-dns-dns-tcp- 9s endpoints-port.3.kube-dns-dns-tcp- 12s endpoints-port.3.kube-dns-dns-tcp- 1h endpoints-port.3.kube-dns-dns-tcp- 20s
- Investigate one of those Translations.
% kubectl -n kube-system describe tr endpoints-port.3.kube-dns-dns- 3ec1e073 Name: endpoints-port.3.kube-dns-dns- Namespace: kube-system Labels: Annotations: API Version: Kind: Translation Metadata: Cluster Name: Creation Timestamp: 2018-06-28T00:44:03Z Finalizers: Generation: 0 Owner References: API Version: v1 Kind: Endpoints Name: kube-dns UID: a55ca29d-2330-11e8-8d8e-fa163ec6ef35 Resource Version: 12040595 Self Link: /apis/ UID: 5adf0dce-7a6c-11e8-ba60-fa163ec6ef35 Resources: Body: {"id":"5cfc9435-b3f4-5a79-8093-3c6a8c0f5fff","tenantId":"midonetkube","name":"KUBE-SEP-kube-dns/dns/"} Kind: Chain Parent: Body: {"id":"e75a66ad-a7e6-569f-83bc-543d4a01107a","type":"jump","jumpChainId":"5cfc9435-b3f4-5a79-8093-3c6a8c0f5fff"} Kind: Rule Parent: 2ba08097-dcb1-548e-817e-d259736a286c Body: {"id":"0f0dbbff-40d9-537a-ae8f-3fdc533cb9fd","type":"dnat","flowAction":"accept","natTargets":[{"addressFrom":"","addressTo":"","portFrom":53,"portTo":53}]} Kind: Rule Parent: 5cfc9435-b3f4-5a79-8093-3c6a8c0f5fff Body: {"id":"2399be50-d5bd-5691-a6ff-8ffbc14df8a8","type":"snat","dlType":2048,"nwSrcAddress":"","nwSrcLength":32,"flowAction":"continue","natTargets":[{"addressFrom":"","addressTo":"","portFrom":30000,"portTo":60000}]} Kind: Rule Parent: 5cfc9435-b3f4-5a79-8093-3c6a8c0f5fff Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Normal TranslationUpdatePushed 52s (x2 over 1m) midonet-kube-controllers Translation Update pushed to the backend
midonet-kube-controllers provides a few metrics for Prometheus.
% curl -s http://localhost:9453/metrics|grep -E "^# (HELP|TYPE) midonet_" # HELP midonet_kube_controllers_midonet_client_request_duration_seconds Latency of MidoNet API call # TYPE midonet_kube_controllers_midonet_client_request_duration_seconds histogram # HELP midonet_kube_controllers_midonet_client_requests_total Number of MidoNet API calls # TYPE midonet_kube_controllers_midonet_client_requests_total counter
See Prometheus Querying documentation for details.
- Number of successful MidoNet API calls per seconds.
sum(rate(midonet_kube_controllers_midonet_client_requests_total{code=~"2.*"}[5m])) by (resource,method)
- Latency of successful MidoNet API calls.
histogram_quantile(0.9, sum(rate(midonet_kube_controllers_midonet_client_request_duration_seconds_bucket{code=~"2.*"}[5m])) by (resource,method,le))
midonet-kube-controllers provides Go net/http/pprof on the same port as the Prometheus metrics.
% go tool pprof http://localhost:9453/debug/pprof/heap
We use GerritHub to submit patches.
We don't use GitHub pull requests.
Everyone is enouraged to review patches for this repository.
If you want to be notified of patches, you can add this repository to "Watched Projects" in your GerritHub settings.
We have a voting CI named "Midokura Bot". Unfortunately, its test logs are not publicly available. MNA-1209 If it voted -1 on your patch, please ask one of Midokura employees to investigate the log.
Unless it's urgent, a patch should be reviewed by at least one person other than the submitter of the patch before being merged.
Right now, members of GerritHub midonet group have the permission to merge patches. If you are interested in being a member, please reach out the existing members.
Bugs and Tasks are tracked in MidoNet jira. We might consider alternatives if the traffic goes up.
We don't use GitHub issues.
Right now, our releases are tags on master branch.
Create and push a git tag for the release.
Build and push the docker images. (See the above sections about docker images)
Build and push the manifest list.
Submit a patch to update docker image tags in our kubernetes manifests.
Review and merge the patch.