Aomi is a project originally created by Midokura Ops team, to provide Ansible playbooks to deploy/install OpenStack environments with the MidoNet networking solution, both OSS and Enterprise.
It uses Ansible playbooks of the openstack-ansible-galaxy project, which includes roles for each individual OSt component.
This project aims to be:
- Simple
- Extensible
- Distribution agnostic
- General-purpose
Openstack Mitaka version is supported at the moment, Newton will be added soon™.
Aomi is also an area around Tokyo Bay.
- Ubuntu Trusty (14.04)
- Ubuntu Xenial (16.04)
- CentOS 7.2
Minimum requirements for the All-in-one:
- 10GB of disk space
to install Ansible, dependencies and roles. -
Run All-in-one playbook (MidoNet):
ansible-playbook -i localhost, -c local playbooks/allinone/midonet-allinone.yml
- Run All-in-one playbook (MEM)*:
export MEM_USERNAME=repo_username MEM_PASSWORD=repo_password
ansible-playbook -i localhost, -c local playbooks/allinone/mem-allinone.yml
* Check to get a 30-day trial.
See example under playbooks/multinode_static/
- Terraform deployment with Ansible inventory support (TBD).