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Troubleshooting DotNet Acquisition

Stephen Weatherford (MSFT) edited this page Dec 19, 2019 · 16 revisions

Thanks for using our extension! We're sorry for the inconvenience, we are working on improving this situation. Our new language server is written in dotnet core (for compatibility with Windows, Mac and Linux), and so we need to install a local version for the extension.

First off, restart Visual Studio Code and try again. We are aware of the following issues. Please let us know of any additional issues by clicking on "Report Issue" in the error dialog.

VERSION_ID: unbound variable

This is a known issue for the dotnet install scripts on Arch Linux, see You may be able to work around it by using export VERSION_ID=0 at the terminal, then re-running the install command by hand (see the output window for Azure Resource Manager Tools).

Work-around: Installing dotnet core manually

You can work around this issue by installing .NET Core Runtime 2.2.8 from, then setting the vscode setting azureResourceManagerTools.languageServer.dotnetExePath to point to the path to dotnet.exe after it's installed.