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Troubleshooting DotNet Acquisition

Stephen Weatherford (MSFT) edited this page Nov 25, 2024 · 16 revisions

Our new language server is written in dotnet core (for compatibility with Windows, Mac and Linux), and so we need to install a local version for the extension. There are some known issues with this process. Please let us know of any additional issues by clicking on "Report Issue" in the error dialog.

Work-around: Installing dotnet core manually

If all else fails, you can work around this issue by installing .NET Core Runtime from (if it's not already installed - generally the most recent should be compatible), then setting the vscode setting azureResourceManagerTools.languageServer.dotnetExePath to point to the path to dotnet.exe after it's installed. To do this, go to settings in vscode and search for "arm dotnet". Set this value to the path of the dotnet executable file on your machine. For instance (on a Mac): settings

Once you restart, it should pick up .NET at the new location. If necessary you can verify the path that is used in the Output window: output window


There was a known problem with the .NET install scripts so that they will fail if wget is not on the machine, see, which has been fixed. In that scenario users saw this error: image.

It can be worked around by installing wget (on Mac, open Terminal and type brew install wget) or installing/configuring .NET manually (see above).

Additional Problems?

Feel free to enter additional issues here.

Thanks for using our extension!