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Markdown and LaTeX guidelines

Bill Ticehurst edited this page May 8, 2024 · 6 revisions


This project uses Markdown and LaTeX extensively, such as for the katas and the Q# standard library documentation.

There are various 'flavors' of these syntaxes, as well as different libraries used in different environments in which content is rendered. For example, VS Code's rendering libraries are different to those used on In order to ensure consistency a common subset and some content guidelines should be adhered to, which is the goal of this document.


The markdown package marked and the LaTeX package MathJax are two of the most popular libraries. However, VS Code uses the markdown-it package for Markdown, and the KaTeX package for LaTeX (via its markdown-it plugin @vscode/markdown-it-katex. These are known for being fast, lightweight, and adhering closely to the documented standards.


The syntax supported by the CommonMark markdown spec can be seen at The GitHub flavored Markdown spec (which extends CommonMark) can be seen at The list of LaTeX functions that KaTeX supports can be seen at

As CommonMark is a subset set of GitHub Flavored Markdown, and KaTeX supports a smaller set of functions that MathJax, sticking to those subsets will ensure maximum compatibility.


To verify content will render correctly in those libraries, the below online tools can be used:

Alternatively, author and build your content, then view it locally in the Q# Playground. (See the README for more details).


Take care with inline HTML

HTML included in Markdown has some simple rules, but with some surprising implications if not familiar with them. These are summarized in the CommonMark spec in the section at, but some guidelines for simplicity.

  • DONT include blank lines within inline HTML blocks. Per the End condition: rules in items 6 & 7 in the spec linked to above, this indicates the end of an HTML blocks.
  • Put the opening HTML tag on its own line. A surprising implication of bullet 6 in the linked to rules, is that <div>Some content</div> is parsed differently than <span>Some content</span> when included on one line (in a div and other block tags, the Some content is passed through as-is, whereas for other tags the content following a tag is parsed as Markdown).

To summarize the above rules, write inline HTML similar to the below:

<span id='foo'>
  If this content was on the same line as the above opening tag, it would be parsed as Markdown.
  <!-- If this was a blank line, it would indicate the end of this HTML block -->

This is Markdown again, as it follows the first blank line after the opening HTML tag.

Wrap words in text macro

Without using the \text macro, spacing can be odd. For example, SWAP = [ \dots ] renders as:


Whereas \text{SWAP} = [ \dots ] renders as:


Avoid trailing breaks

Trailing breaks in matrices can add an empty row in some libraries, for example \frac{1}{2}\begin{bmatrix} 1\\\ 1\\\ 1\\\ \end{bmatrix} renders as:


Whereas \frac{1}{2} \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 1 \\ 1 \end{bmatrix} renders as:


Use only double slashes to start a new line

See prior example, where \\\ adds padding to the start of the next row, versus just using \\

Avoid using the mid macro in braket notation

Using \mid often causes unwanted spacing. For example, see the difference in the below equation when it is used compared to just using the | character.

\ket{\psi} = \mid \phi \rangle \implies \braket{\phi | \pi} = \braket{\pi \mid \phi }


Use the braket macros

See the prior example. The \ket, \bra, and \braket macros are well supported and should be preferred over "hand authoring" via \rangle etc.

Transpose, Adjoint, and Conjugate symbols

Use a superscript sans-serif T for transpose, superscript dagger for adjoint, and superscript asterisk for conjugate. For example with using a bold font for a matrix:

\mathbf{M}^\mathsf{T} \otimes \mathbf{M}^\dagger \otimes \mathbf{M}^*
