BitArray is a simple bit array/bit field library in pure JavaScript
BitArray is based on the Ruby library BitArray by Peter Cooper (
Basic, pure JavaScript bit field.
$ npm install bitarray
$ component install microjs/bitarray
Create a bit array 1000 bits wide:
var ba = new BitArray(1000);
Setting and reading bits:
ba.set(100, 1);
ba.get(100); // => 1
ba.set(100, 0);
ba.get(100); // => 0
Create a BitArray where all the bits default to 1:
var ba = new BitArray(100, 1);
ba.get(50); // => 1
var ba = new BitArray(20);
[1,3,5,9,11,13,15].forEach(function(i){ ba.set(i, 1) });
ba.toString(); // => "01010100010101010000"
The total_set
method is not ported for now.
There might be bugs, this is just a quick port. Non-sucky tests would be awesome. hinthint (The test file from the original repo should be ported.)
MIT licensed. Copyight 2012 Thomas Fuchs, yada yada. Original library: Copyright 2007-2012 Peter Cooper, yada yada.