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Built with Markdown Built with Mkdocs

✨ Welcome to my digital corner

Hello and welcome! This repository hosts the personal-professional website of myself, Em H. It is built and publcily hosted using a stack I've wanted to play with for a while. The content of the site contains my professional history, and some of my general musings.

👉 Heck just go to the site

About the site

The site is built using MkDocs with Material for the framework, and is hosted for the public by Vercel. I think this pairing makes for a pretty simple way to deploy a personal site while still having a CD pipeline, preview links, and a lot of the other stuff that a docs-as-code workflow employs.

I chose MkDocs because it is one of the most popular static site generators for documentation in use today, and is widely popular among docs engineers and technical writers, yet I had never had a chance to play with it before now. Consider me a convert! MkDocs is wonderful!

I chose Vercel because it is a modern CD pipeline host that seems to be growing in popularity, and I wanted to see how it worked. I'm using their free tier, and it was fairly easy to get my site up and running, with some caveats (see "Hosting on Vercel" below).

Build the site

Locally with Docker

This is by far the simplest option for local deployment.



  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Run docker-compose up.
  3. Hit the local server at localhost:8000.

Locally without Docker


  • MkDocs
  • Python3


  1. Clone this repository.
  2. From the repository's root, run mkdocs build.
$ mkdocs build
INFO    -  Cleaning site directory
INFO    -  Building documentation to directory:
  1. Next, run mkdocs serve:
$ mkdocs serve

INFO    -  Building documentation...
INFO    -  Cleaning site directory
INFO    -  The following pages exist in the docs directory, but are not included in the "nav" configuration:
INFO    -  Documentation built in 0.34 seconds
INFO    -  [13:29:30] Watching paths for changes: 'docs', 'mkdocs.yml'
INFO    -  [13:29:30] Serving on
  1. Hit the local server at localhost:8000.

Hosting on Vercel

Vercel is a lightweight hosting platform specifically designed for frontends. If you'd like to use my site code to learn Vercel like I did, please do! Here's how.

  1. First, fork this repository.
  2. Next, create a free account on Vercel.
  3. Create your first Vercel project - attach your GitHub account, and import the repository holding this source code.
  4. During project configuration, select the branch to use for production deployments (this should probably be the main branch for production; however, I also recommend using some test deployments with a test branch BEFORE working off your main/production branch).
  5. Configure the project's deployment settings with the following values:
Setting Value
Build command mkdocs build
Output directory site
Install command pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
  • The Build command for Vercel is the command the host will use to build the site.
  • The Output directory is the value of site_dir in the mkdocs.yaml config file. This value defaults to the string site, but if you want to change that default, you must explicitly set the desired value in the config file, then change the value of Output directory on Vercel to that same value. (See also: MkDocs: Other Providers.)
  • The Install command value specifies what command should be run to install dependencies, and so forth. In this case, we are telling Vercel to use the Python requirements.txt file to install required packages using pip.

These are not all of the configurations that can be specified in Vercel, but these are the minimum requirements to get the site up and running as-is.


I have urllib3 pinned to versions less than 2.0, as higher versions were causing issues for Vercel's environment. This is because Vercel uses Amazon Linux 2 as the base image for builds, which have older versions of Python that do not support some newer versions of packages. At this time, Vercel does not support hosting containerized applications - hence why we're not using Docker to deploy the site there.



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