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Flix Examples

Flix project Directory examples\ contains Flix code examples coming from various websites - mostly from the Flix project.

We currently support five ways to build/run/test our Flix code examples:

Build tool Build file Parent file Environment(s)
cmd.exe build.bat   MS Windows
sh.exe   Any a)
ant.bat build.xml   Any
gradle.exe build.gradle common.gradle Any
make.exe b) Makefile Any
a) Here "Any" means "tested on MS Windows / Cygwin / MSYS2 / Unix"
b) Default shell is /bin/sh as described in the online document Choosing the Shell.

🔎 Command examples\build.bat allows us to clean, build and run all projects in directory examples\, for instance before updating our Github repository flix-examples with local changes.

areas Example

This project has the following directory structure :

> tree /a /f . | findstr /v /b [A-Z]
|   build.bat
|   build.gradle  (..\common.gradle)
|   build.xml
|   Makefile      (..\
|   pom.xml
    |       Main.flix

Command build.bat -verbose run 3 generates the target file areas.jar from the Flix source file src\main\Main.flix and executes it :

> build -verbose run
Copy 1 Flix source file to directory "target\areas\src\"
Compile 1 Flix source file into directory "target\areas\build\"
Create archive file "target\areas\artifact\areas.jar"
Execute Flix program "target\areas\artifact\areas.jar"
2 :: 6 :: Nil
2 :: 6 :: Nil

During compilation we run the two Flix commands build 1 and build-jar to successively generate the Java class files in subdirectory target\areas\build\ and the target file target\areas\artifact\areas.jar :

> tree /a /f areas | findstr /v /b [A-Z]
   |   .gitignore
   |   areas.jar-test.txt
   |   flix.toml
   |       areas.jar
   |   \---class  (*.class)
   |   \---cache
   |       Main.flix

Command build.bat -verbose test generates the target file target\areas\areas.jar from the Flix source files src\main\Main.flix and src\test\TestMain.flix and runs the tests:

> build -verbose test
Copy 1 Flix source file to directory "target\areas\src\"
Copy 1 Flix test source file to directory "target\areas\test\"
Compile 1 Flix source file and 1 Flix test source file
Create archive file "target\areas\artifact\areas.jar"
Execute tests for Flix program "target\areas\artifact\areas.jar"
Running 2 tests...
   PASS  test01 415,8us
   PASS  test02 89,5us
Passed: 2, Failed: 0. Skipped: 0. Elapsed: 4,0ms.

🔎 We provide other ways to build/run/test our Flix code examples :

  1. Command make.exe reads its configuration from the two configuration files Makefile and (we can use option --silent to hide the executed commands):
     > make run
    [ -d "target/areas" ] || "C:/opt/Git/usr/bin/mkdir.exe" -p "target/areas"
    cd "target/areas"; \
         [ -d "build" ] || "C:/opt/jdk-temurin-21.0.4_7/bin/java.exe" -jar "C:\opt\flix\flix.jar" init && \
         "C:/opt/Git/usr/bin/rm.exe" -f "src/Main.flix" && \
         "C:/opt/Git/usr/bin/cp.exe" -r "F:/examples/areas/src/main/." src && \
         "C:/opt/jdk-temurin-21.0.4_7/bin/java.exe" -jar "C:\opt\flix\flix.jar" build && \
         "C:/opt/jdk-temurin-21.0.4_7/bin/java.exe" -jar "C:\opt\flix\flix.jar" build-jar
    "C:/opt/jdk-temurin-21.0.4_7/bin/java.exe"  -jar "target/areas/artifact/areas.jar"
    2 :: 6 :: Nil
    2 :: 6 :: Nil
    > make --silent test
    Running 2 tests...
       PASS  test01 806,3us
       PASS  test02 115,4us
    Passed: 2, Failed: 0. Skipped: 0. Elapsed: 6,3ms.
  2. Command gradle.bat reads its configuration from the two configuration files build.gradle and common.gradle :
    > gradle run
    > Task :compileFlix
    > Task :run
    2 :: 6 :: Nil
    2 :: 6 :: Nil
    7 actionable tasks: 7 executed
  3. Command sh.exe targets a Unix-like environment in the same way as build.bat targets the Windows environment:
    > sh ./ -verbose run
    Initialize directory "target/areas"
    Copy Flix source files to directory "target/areas/src"
    Copy Flix test source files to directory "target/areas/test"
    Compile 1 Flix source file to directory "target/areas/build"
    Create archive file "target/areas/artifact/areas.jar"
    Execute the JAR file "target/areas/artifact/areas.jar"
    2 :: 6 :: Nil
    2 :: 6 :: Nil

channels Example

This project has the following directory structure :

> tree /a /f . | findstr /v /b [A-Z]
|   build.bat
|   build.gradle
|   build.xml
|   Makefile
    |       Main.flix

Command build.bat -verbose run generates the target file target\channels\artifact\channels.jar from the Flix source file src\main\Main.flix and executes the target file :

> build -verbose run
Copy 1 Flix source file to directory "target\channels\src\"
Compile 1 Flix source file to directory "target\channels\build\"
Create archive file "target\channels\artifact\channels.jar"
Extract Flix runtime from archive file "C:\opt\flix\flix.jar"
Add Flix runtime to archive file "target\channels\artifact\channels.jar"
Execute Flix program "target\channels\artifact\channels.jar"
1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil

Note: The Flix command build-jar does not add the Flix runtime to the generated archive file target\channels\channels.jar, so we need to update it with class files extracted from flix.jar and belonging to package ca.uwaterloo.flix.runtime.
Without that additional step we get the following runtime error :

> build -verbose run
Copy 1 Flix source file to directory "target\channels\src\"
Compile 1 Flix source file
Create archive file "target\channels\channels.jar"
Execute Flix program "target\channels\channels.jar"
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ca/uwaterloo/flix/runtime/interpreter/Channel
        at Def%main%.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at Cont%Obj.unwind(Cont%Obj)
        at Ns.m_main%(Unknown Source)
        at Main.main(Main)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ca.uwaterloo.flix.runtime.interpreter.Channel
        at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(
        at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
        at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
        ... 4 more
Error: Failed to execute Flix program "target\channels\artifact\channels.jar"

datalog-constraints Example

This project has the following directory structure :

> tree /f /a . | findstr /v /b [A-Z]
|   build.bat
|   build.gradle
|   build.xml
|   Makefile
    |       Main.flix

Command build.bat -verbose run generates the target file target\datalog-constraints\datalog-constraints.jar from the Flix source file src\main\Main.flix and executes the target file :

> build -verbose run
Copy 1 Flix source file to directory "target\datalog-constraints\src\"
Compile 1 Flix source file into directory "target\datalog-constraints\build\"
Create archive file "target\datalog-constraints\datalog-constraints.jar"
Execute Flix program "target\datalog-constraints\datalog-constraints.jar"
(C++, x86) :: (MiniScala, C++) :: (MiniScala, x86) :: (Scala, C++) :: (Scala, MiniScala) :: (Scala, x86) :: Nil

fibonacci Example

This example has the following directory structure :

> tree /f /a . | findstr /v /b [A-Z]
|   build.bat
|   build.gradle
|   build.xml
|   Makefile
|   pom.xml
    |       Main.flix

Command build.bat -verbose run generates the target file target\fibonacci\fibonacci.jar from the Flix source file src\main\Main.flix and executes the target file :

> build -verbose run
Copy 1 Flix source file to directory "target\fibonacci\src\"
Compile 1 Flix source file into directory "target\fibonacci\build\"
Create archive file "target\fibonacci\artifact\fibonacci.jar"
Execute Flix program "target\fibonacci\artifact\fibonacci.jar"
0 :: 1 :: 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 5 :: 8 :: 13 :: 21 :: 34 :: Nil

Command build.bat -verbose test generates the target file target\fibonacci\fibonacci.jar from the Flix source files src\main\Main.flix and src\test\TestMain.flix and runs the tests:

> build -verbose test
Copy 1 Flix source file to directory "target\fibonacci\src\"
Copy 1 Flix test source file to directory "target\fibonacci\test\"
Compile 1 Flix source file and 1 Flix test source file
Create archive file "target\fibonacci\artifact\fibonacci.jar"
Execute tests for Flix program "target\fibonacci\artifact\fibonacci.jar"
Running 1 tests...

   PASS  test01 1,0ms
Passed: 1, Failed: 0. Skipped: 0. Elapsed: 5,8ms.

lambda-calculus Example

This example is slightly more complex than the others because it contains several source files, including the Scala source file Counter.scala.

> tree /a /f . | findstr /v /b [A-Z]
|   build.bat
|   build.gradle   (..\common.gradle)
|   Makefile       (..\
    |       Counter.scala
    |       lambda-calculus.flix
    |       Main.flix

🔎 Counter.scala implements the stateful object Counter with one single method getNext(). In source file lambda-calculus.flix we call getNext() instead of ??? (the "unimplemented" function) inside function freshVar() in order to obtain a runnable example :

def freshVar(): Int32 = // ???
    import static Counter.getNext(): Int32 \ {};

Concretely we perform two additional steps before calling the Flix commands build and build-jar:

  • we compile Counter.scala into directory target\lambda-calculus\lib\ with the Scala command scalac.bat.
  • we create target\lambda-calculus\lib\lib-lambda-calculus.jar with the Java command jar.exe.
> build -debug clean run
[build] Properties : _PROJECT_NAME=lambda-calculus
[build] Options    : _NIGHTLY=0 _VERBOSE=0
[build] Subcommands: _COMMANDS= clean compile run
[build] Variables  : "FLIX_HOME=C:\opt\flix"
[build] Variables  : "JAVA_HOME=C:\opt\jdk-temurin-21.0.4_7"
[build] Variables  : "SCALA_HOME=C:\opt\scala-2.13.12"
[build] rmdir /s /q "F:\examples\lambda-calculus\target"
[build] 00000000000000 Target : 'F:\examples\lambda-calculus\target\lambda-calculus\lambda-calculus.jar'
[build] 20220924220123 Sources: 'F:\examples\lambda-calculus\src\main\*.flix'
[build] "C:\opt\jdk-temurin-21.0.4_7\bin\java.exe" -jar "C:\opt\flix\flix.jar" init
[build] xcopy /s /y "F:\examples\lambda-calculus\src\main" "F:\examples\lambda-calculus\target\lambda-calculus\src\" 1>NUL
[build] "C:\opt\scala-2.13.12\bin\scalac.bat" -cp "C:\opt\flix\flix.jar" -d "F:\examples\lambda-calculus\target\lambda-calculus\lib"  "F:\examples\lambda-calculus\target\lambda-calculus\src\Counter.scala"
[build] "C:\opt\jdk-temurin-21.0.4_7\bin\jar.exe" cf "F:\examples\lambda-calculus\target\lambda-calculus\lib\lib-lambda-calculus.jar" -C "F:\examples\lambda-calculus\target\lambda-calculus\lib" .
[build] "C:\opt\jdk-temurin-21.0.4_7\bin\java.exe" -cp "F:\examples\lambda-calculus\target\lambda-calculus\build" -jar "C:\opt\flix\flix.jar" build --explain
[build] "C:\opt\jdk-temurin-21.0.4_7\bin\java.exe" -jar "C:\opt\flix\flix.jar" build-jar
[build] "C:\opt\jdk-temurin-21.0.4_7\bin\java.exe" "-Xbootclasspath/a:F:\examples\lambda-calculus\target\lambda-calculus\lib\lib-lambda-calculus.jar" -jar "F:\examples\lambda-calculus\target\lambda-calculus\lambda-calculus.jar"
Abs(1, Abs(0, Var(0)))
[build] _EXITCODE=0

mutability Example

This example has the following directory structure :

> tree /f /a . | findstr /v /b [A-Z]
|   build.bat
|   build.gradle
|   build.xml
|   Makefile
    |       Main.flix

Command build.bat -debug run generates the target file target\mutability\mutability.jar from the Flix source file src\Main.flix and runs the target file :

> build -debug run
[build] Properties : _PROJECT_NAME=mutability
[build] Options    : _NIGHTLY=0 _VERBOSE=0
[build] Subcommands: _COMMANDS= compile run
[build] Variables  : "FLIX_HOME=C:\opt\flix"
[build] Variables  : "JAVA_HOME=C:\opt\jdk-temurin-21.0.4_7"
[build] Variables  : "SCALA_HOME=C:\opt\scala-2.13.14"
[build] 00000000000000 Target : 'F:\examples\mutability\target\mutability\mutability.jar'
[build] 20220908185859 Sources: 'F:\examples\mutability\src\*.flix'
[build] "C:\opt\jdk-temurin-21.0.4_7\bin\java.exe" -jar "C:\opt\flix\flix.jar" init
[build] xcopy /s /y "F:\examples\mutability\src" "F:\examples\mutability\target\mutability\src\" 1>NUL
[build] "C:\opt\jdk-temurin-21.0.4_7\bin\java.exe" -jar "C:\opt\flix\flix.jar" build
[build] "C:\opt\jdk-temurin-21.0.4_7\bin\java.exe" -jar "C:\opt\flix\flix.jar" build-jar
[build] "C:\opt\jdk-temurin-21.0.4_7\bin\java.exe"  -jar "F:\examples\mutability\target\mutability\mutability.jar"
1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil
[build] _EXITCODE=0

named-arguments Example

Command gradle.bat run (build.gradle/common.gradle) generates the target file target\named-arguments\named-arguments.jar from the Flix source file src\main\named-arguments.flix and executes the target file :

> gradle -Dnightly clean run
> Configure project :
Nightly build 'flix-2024-02-10.jar' was selected
> Task :compileFlix
> Task :run
Player(1, 0)
8 actionable tasks: 8 executed

primes Example

This example has the following directory structure :

> tree /f /a . | findstr /v /b [A-Z]
|   build.bat
|   build.gradle
|   build.xml
|   Makefile
    |       Main.flix

Command build.bat run generates the target file target\primes\primes.jar from the Flix source file src\main\Main.flix and executes the target file :

> build run
Using 'primes'
2 :: 3 :: 5 :: 7 :: 11 :: 13 :: 17 :: 19 :: 23 :: 29 :: Nil
Using 'primes2'
2 :: 3 :: 5 :: 7 :: 11 :: 13 :: 17 :: 19 :: 23 :: 29 :: Nil

Command build.bat -verbose test generates the target file target\primes\primes.jar from the Flix source files src\main\Main.flix and src\test\TestMain.flix and runs the tests:

> build -verbose test
Running 2 tests...
   PASS  test01 892,4us
   PASS  test02 278,4us

Passed: 2, Failed: 0. Skipped: 0. Elapsed: 5,7ms.

records Example

This example has the following directory structure :

> tree /f /a . | findstr /v /b [A-Z]
|   build.bat
|   build.gradle
|   build.xml
|   Makefile
|   pom.xml
    |       Main.flix

Command build.bat run generates the target file target\records\artifact\records.jar from the Flix source file src\main\Main.flix and executes the target file :

> build run
r1 = { 1, 2 }
r2 = { 1, 2 }
r1 == r2: true
r3 = { 3, 2 }

trees Example

Command build.bat run generates the target file target\trees\artifact\trees.jar from the Flix source file src\main\Main.flix and executes the target file :

> build run

type-aliases Example

Command build.bat run generates the target file target\type-aliases\artifact\type-aliases.jar from the Flix source file src\main\Main.flix and executes the target file :

> build run
Map#{1 => Hello, 2 => World}
Map#{1 => Ok(123), 2 => Err(Hello)}


[1] Flix commands

We give option --help to display the Flix commands :
> "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" -jar "%FLIX_HOME%\flix.jar" --help
The Flix Programming Language v0.49.0
Usage: flix [init|check|build|build-jar|build-pkg|run 
 |benchmark|test|repl|install|lsp] [options] <args>...   Command: init creates a new project in the current directory. Command: check checks the current project for errors. Command: build builds (i.e. compiles) the current project. Command: build-jar builds a jar-file from the current project. Command: build-pkg builds a fpkg-file from the current project. Command: run runs main for the current project. Command: doc generates API documentation. Command: benchmark runs the benchmarks for the current project. Command: test runs the tests for the current project. Command: repl starts a repl for the current project, or provided Flix source files. Command: lsp port starts the LSP server and listens on the given port. port   --args <a1, a2, ...> arguments passed to main. Must be a single quoted string. --entrypoint <value> specifies the main entry point. --explain provides suggestions on how to solve a problem. --github-token <value> API key to use for GitHub dependency resolution. --help prints this usage information. --json enables json output. --listen <port> starts the socket server and listens on the given port. --no-install disables automatic installation of dependencies. --threads <value> number of threads to use for compilation. --yes automatically answer yes to all prompts. --version prints the version number.   The following options are experimental: --Xbenchmark-code-size [exp.] benchmarks the size of the generated JVM files. --Xbenchmark-incremental [exp.] benchmarks the performance of each compiler phase in incremental mode. --Xbenchmark-phases [exp.] benchmarks the performance of each compiler phase.. --Xbenchmark-frontend [exp.] benchmarks the performance of the frontend. --Xbenchmark-throughput [exp.] benchmarks the performance of the entire compiler. --Xlib <value> [exp.] controls the amount of std. lib. to include (nix, min, all). --Xno-optimizer [exp.] disables compiler optimizations. --Xprint-phase <value> [exp.] prints the AST(s) after the given phase(s). 'all' prints all ASTs. --Xbdd-threshold <value> [exp.] sets the threshold for when to use BDDs. --Xno-bool-cache [exp.] disables Boolean caches. --Xno-bool-specialcases [exp.] disables hardcoded Boolean unification special cases. --Xno-bool-table [exp.] disables Boolean minimization via tabling. --Xno-bool-unif [exp.] disables Boolean unification. (DO NOT USE). --Xno-qmc [exp.] disables Quine McCluskey when using BDDs. --Xsummary [exp.] prints a summary of the compiled modules. --Xparser [exp.] disables new experimental lexer and parser.   <file>... input Flix source code files, Flix packages, and Java archives.

[2] Flix-managed project directory

Flix project directories must have a special layout enforced by the Flix command init. For instance the documentation files and must exist inside the project directory in order to run the Flix commands build, build-jar, etc.
> tree /a /f . | tail -n +3
|       Main.flix

[3] Flix nightly builds

We can select the latest nightly build of the Flix library instead of the release version to generate the target JAR file for each of the above examples :
  • build.bat supports the -nightly option.
  • make.exe supports the NIGHTLY=1 property.
  • gradle.bat supports the -Dnightly property.
Here is how it works with the areas example :
> build -verbose -nightly clean run
Nightly build "flix-2024-08-16.jar" was selected
Delete directory "target"
Initialize Flix project directory "target\areas"
Copy 1 Flix source file to directory "target\areas\src\"
Compile 1 Flix source file into directory "target\areas\build\"
Create archive file "target\areas\artifact\areas.jar"
Execute Flix program "target\areas\artifact\areas.jar"
2 :: 6 :: Nil
2 :: 6 :: Nil
> make NIGHTLY=1 run
[ -d "target/areas" ] || "C:/opt/Git/usr/bin/mkdir.exe" -p "target/areas"
cd "target/areas"; \
        [ -d "build" ] || "C:/opt/jdk-temurin-21.0.4_7/bin/java.exe" -jar "C:\opt\flix\flix-2024-08-16.jar" init && \
        "C:/opt/Git/usr/bin/rm.exe" -f "src/Main.flix" && \
        "C:/opt/Git/usr/bin/cp.exe" -r "F:/examples/areas/src/main/." src && \
        "C:/opt/jdk-temurin-21.0.4_7/bin/java.exe" -jar "C:\opt\flix\flix-2024-08-16.jar" build && \
        "C:/opt/jdk-temurin-21.0.4_7/bin/java.exe" -jar "C:\opt\flix\flix-2024-08-16.jar" build-jar
"C:/opt/jdk-temurin-21.0.4_7/bin/java.exe"  -jar "target/areas/areas.jar"
2 :: 6 :: Nil
2 :: 6 :: Nil
> gradle -Dnightly run
> Configure project :
Nightly build 'flix-2024-08-16.jar' was selected
&g; Task :compileFlix
> Task :run
2 :: 6 :: Nil
2 :: 6 :: Nil

7 actionable tasks: 7 executed

mics/January 2025