An informational app I created in 2015 for NTO, a region of a worldwide youth group. This was in my early days of learning to program, but I'm happy with the learning experience from it. This is modeled similarly to the Plano Band app in another repository.
- View regional calendar
- Contact page with embedded texting and email views to contact regional staff and teen leadership
- Browsable regional newspaper PDFs by month
- Region chapter sports scores
- Social media accounts
- Prospective member page (fill out form and contact recruitment chairs)
- Two fun games that use the faces of teen leadership officers to play
Part 1:
Part 2:
As with my Plano Band app, I thank Paul Solt and his Intro to Swift course for teaching me the fundamentals of Apple's IDE and language.
Both the flappy bird game and the space game reuse some code from other developers, namely fullstackio and and Paul Solt, respectively.