Erika's site. Built using Hugo.
- Maybe refactor the CSS so that the inline UL stuff has one parent, instead of repeating some of it in the nav and go-to sections
- Breakpoint adjustments:
- "go to" links
- Tiny screens: add a breakpoint for screens under 360 – type all gets a bit smaller, especially the large "about" text
## Done:
- Nav: for smaller screens – should roll-up, have a + button, and open/close on-click.
- About page: margin-bottom for the large text style
- Link styles for large text style.
- Spacing of links in the Go To menu (need more space)
- Examine the spacing of the Go To text versus the menu items (vertical alignment is off).
- On smaller screens the "go to" module (top of Articles page) needs to become a vertical list.
- Nav: "you are here" needs to be assigned dynamically with JS.