Version 2.1.0 release
Because the TwoFactorAuthManager
class now inherits from Illuminate\Support\Manager
it is possible to use your own custom provider.
To do so your provider needs to implement MichaelDzjap\TwoFactorAuth\Contracts\TwoFactorProvider
(and possibly MichaelDzjap\TwoFactorAuth\Contracts\SMSToken
if you want to send the authentication token via SMS).
Assuming the name of your custom provider is 'dummy', it can then be registered with TwoFactorAuthManager
resolve(\MichaelDzjap\TwoFactorAuth\TwoFactorAuthManager)->extend('dummy', function ($app) {
return new DummyProvider;
You should also add an entry for you custom provider in the 'provider' array in app/config/twofactor-auth.php:
'dummy' => [
'driver' => 'dummy',
And lastly, don't forget to change the name of the provider in your .env: