Porting of Aleph for SWI-Prolog.
Aleph is an Inductive Logic Programming system developed by Ashwin Srinivasan:
This pack contains a porting of Aleph v.5 to SWI-Prolog. The porting was done by Fabrizio Riguzzi.
Two files are included: aleph_orig.pl is a direct porting of Aleph for Yap, while aleph.pl is modoule-file that can run also under SWISH. aleph.pl was developed by Paolo Niccolò Giubelli.
aleph_orig.pl can be used as the original Aleph.
aleph.pl differs because it uses a single input file instead of three files for background, positive and negative examples.
The input file for aleph.pl must be structured as follows:
1. Module loading
:- use_module(library(aleph)).
2. Aleph initialization
:- aleph.
3. Directives Nothing has changed here, you can use modeh/2, modeb/2, determination/2 as documented in the manual
% e.g.:
:- modeh(*,grandparent(+person,-person)).
:- modeh(*,parent(+person,-person)).
:- modeb(*,mother(+person,-person)).
:- modeb(*,father(+person,-person)).
:- modeb(*,parent(+person,-person)).
% ...
4. Background Knowledge Section Nothing has changed here except you need to enclose this section with begin_bg/0 and end_bg/0 directives. Between them you can put your background clauses.
% Background knoweledge is delimited by begin_bg/0 and end_bg/0
% predicates. Look at the
% E.g.:
5. Positive Examples Section
% The positive examples section is delimited by begin_in_pos/0 and end_in_pos/0
% directives.
% E.g.:
6. Negative Examples Section
% The negative examples section is delimited by begin_in_neg/0 and end_in_neg/0
% directives. Negative examples must be listed as facts.
% E.g.:
grandparent(bob,bob). % bob is not a grandparent of bob
7. End Section The file must contain the following directive at the end:
You can start the induction process by calling the induce/1 predicate, which returns the theory as a list of clauses. induce/1 replaces the old induce/0 predicate.
The following predicates were created. Their arity has been increased by one compared to the original version. Program is the (new) output argument which returns the theory as a list of predicates.
- induce(-Program)
- induce_tree(-Program)
- induce_cover(-Program)
- induce_modes(-Modes)
- induce_incremental(-Program)
- induce_max(-Program)
- induce_features(-Features)
- induce_constraints(-Constraints)
- induce_theory(-Program)
- induce_clauses(-Program)
The manual can be found at http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/activities/machlearn/Aleph/.
The examples have been downloaded from http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/research/areas/machlearn/Aleph/misc/examples.zip and ported to SWI-Prolog.