This is a small test application which uses async hiredis to "ping pong" messages back and forth between two different pubsub channels.
Usage: ./pingpong [options]
--host <hostname> Set the Redis server hostname (default: localhost)
--port <port> Set the Redis server port (default: 6380, or 16380 if --tls is specified)
--tls Enable TLS connection
--nonblock Use non-blocking mode
--client <a|b> Set the client to either 'a' or 'b', determining pub/sub channels
--message-len <length> Set the length of the message to be published (max: 10MB)
-h, --help Print this message.```
$ ./pingpong --tls --message-len 1024
$ ./ping --tls --client a --message-len 1024
$ ./ping --tls --client b --message-len 1024
This repo contains a dockerfile you can use to actually run the tests. It creates all the keys we need to start a TLS secured redis-server which will run when you start the container.