Three day spring school on basics of high throughput 16S rRNA gene sequencing data analysis. This spring school is organised in collaboration with VLAG graduate school, Laboratory of Microbiology, Laboratory of Systems and Synthetic Biology, Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands and Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Turku, Finland. This year it will be held at Wageningen University & Research. We will cover topics related to basics of sequencing and microbial community analysis. We will use NG-Tax and R based tools like Phyloseq, microbiome and ggplot2 for downstream data analysis and visualization.
For more information check the course website
Before starting please install
- R 3.4.4 Download link.
- Rstudio Download link.
A bookdown book covering Day2 and Day3 topics can be found at this weblink:
We welcome community contributions to this resource
These can be improvements to existing tutorials or additional topics such as:
- Classifiers Random Forest, SVM, etc.
- Advanced multivariate statistics.
- Any other analysis related to microbial ecology.
Create a pull request or send an email to Sudarshan Shetty at [email protected]
If you found this book useful, please cite:
Shetty Sudarshan A, Lahti Leo, Hermes Gerben DA, & Hauke Smidt. (2018, September 27). Microbial bioinformatics introductory course material 2018 (Version 0.01). Zenodo.