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An Express-based web site skeleton


After developing a few Express web sites, i wanted to pack a number of things together in order to reduce the setup time between the beginning of the project and when starting coding project-specific stuff. Since it might be useful to others, it then made sense to share it.

This project is not intended to be a framework (a system with strong patterns to rely on) but more of a skeleton, i.e. a code base to start from for building your web site.

Before you proceed with installation, it is certainly a good idea to walk through what this project does and does not provide.


The whole skeleton is designed with performance in mind. It provides:

  • non-blocking styles and scripts loading with prefetch when browser-supported
  • automatic concatenation and minification of stylesheets
  • automatic concatenation and minification of scripts
  • automatic generation and inline integration of above-the-fold critical path CSS

All of these, along with using a CDN, ensure a 95% to 100% score on Google Page Speed Insights.


The project includes detailed instructions and scripts to setup GIT deployment. Basically, you develop and test in your environment. When you are happy with your work, you push your commits to the prod branch on your server and that's it.

HTML Templates

You are of course free to use the HTML templates that are provided by default with Exskel (Minimaxing theme from HTML5Up), but you can easily use any template you want with a minimum of effort.


As is, Exskel only supports a very basic authentication scheme, used to access the admin part of the site: single user/password provided in the site configuration file. This might be a good fit if you are webmastering a simple site and just need to access some administration pages. But it won't help if you need a fully featured multi-users environment.

Requirements / Non-requirements

The whole project has been developed and tested on Express 4 (specifically 4.12.3).

A linux server is being assumed (developed and tested on Ubuntu 14.04, other distributions or versions are likely to work directly). You can probably use something else, but in that case the GIT deployment instructions won't certainly work out of the box.

No particular database is enforced, you can use whichever you want.

The templating engine being used here is EJS. This is not a strong requirement. If you prefer using another engine like Jade, there will only be little modifications to do.

Other features

A number of other features have been added since they are likely to be needed by any web site. Most of those features are provided by third-party modules with a little bit of code for integration.

  • HTTP and/or HTTPS servers are controlled from the configuration file: ports, optional IP bindings, SSL certificates
  • cookie parser / body parser / compression
  • configurable static resources caching
  • session management: a session file store module is being used by default. If you setup a database, you may want to use a DB-backed store instead
  • Google analytics: you can optionally use GA to track visited pages, send GA events from the client AND the server
  • Geo-location: you can optionally have access to the visitor location
  • Browser detection: you can optionally get information on the visitor browser and OS
  • Graceful shutdown: whether you restarted the browser manually or because of a GIT push to the prod branch, you can do things like saving some memory-held data to the disk before the process exits
  • REST interface: simple management of AJAX calls from the client to your web site
  • Force HTTPS: you can easily force some pages (like for payments or handling sensitive information) to be opened in HTTPS if enabled
  • Admin section: the /admin/* part of the site requires to be logged and direct to a login page if not authenticated

Install for development

Ready to go ?

  • clone the project to a local directory
  • copy config.default.json to config.json
  • edit config.json parameters (see below for parameters details. You probably want to set concatStyles and concatScripts to false)
  • go to your project directory
  • npm install
  • node app.js

Configuration parameters

Param Default Description
login "admin" the username to be used when login to the admin section of the site
password SHA256 for "password" the SHA256 hash of the admin password. On linux, you can get it easily from the command echo -n "mypassword" | sha256sum
sessionSecret a string just put any string here but change the default value
staticMaxAge "7d" the duration before static resources cache expires in the browser
siteName a human name for your site
domain null if not null, received GET requests that do not match this exact domain are redirected to the specified domain, keeping the protocol, path and query unchanged
shutdownTimeout 5 when a graceful shutdown is requested, the number of seconds to wait before forcing the process killing
sessionExpiration 259200 the session time-to-live in seconds. 3 days by default
parseUserAgent true if set, visitor browser info is available on req.browser
geoip true if set, visitor location is available on req.geoip
gaTrackingCode null if set to a Google Analytics tracking ID (something like UA-XXXX), page visits will be tracked and browser and server event sending will be enabled
http.disabled false if disabled, the web site won't listen for HTTP connections
http.port 9080 the port to listen to for HTTP
http.bind null by default, HTTP listens to any network interface. Set an IP address to listen to a specific interface
https.disabled true if disabled, the web site won't listen for HTTPS connections
https.port 9443 the port to listen to for HTTPS
https.bind null by default, HTTPS listens to any network interface. Set an IP address to listen to a specific interface
https.keyFile the path to a local file containing the certificate key
https.certFile the path to a local file containing the certificate
staticBypassCache true in order to accomodate long cache expiration for performance and the ability to update stylesheets and scripts, the publish resource URL includes a random number that changes everytime the server application is restarted
concatStyles true should local stylesheets be concatenated. It is a good idea to set it to false in the development environment
minifyStyles true should the local concatenated stylesheet be minified
concatScripts true should local scripts be concatenated. Set it to false in the development environment
minifyScripts true should the local concatenated script be minified
criticalPathStyles true when set, the server will make a request to itself to determine the minimum CSS that should be included inline in order to render the above-the-fold part of the page
forceAdmin false when set, the user is automatically authenticated as admin. Convenient when developing on the admin section, not for production
[ showErrorStack false if true, the full exception stack is displayed in the error page. For development mode only
defaultScripts some local JS files an array of local JS files to be included in every page
defaultExtScripts some JS URLs an array of URLs to external JS resources to be included in every page
defaultStyles some local CSS files an array of local CSS files to be included in every page
defaultExtScripts some CSS URLs an array of URLs to external CSS resources to be included in every page

Install for production (deploying with GIT)

Setting up your server to allow deploying a new version to the server just by pushing commits to the prod branch is explained in details in this tutorial.

From the development repository:

  • git remote add myserver git@myserver:/var/git/mysite.git
  • git push myserver prod

Note that the first push to prod, you will get some errors because the file config.json has not been created yet

From the server:

  • cd /home/mysite
  • cp config.default.json config.json
  • edit site parameters in file config.json
  • /etc/mysite/

New pushes to the prod branch on server myserver will automatically update and restart the server application.

Using the skeleton

Rendering pages

Generally in Express, you render pages this way:

app.get('/mypath',function(req,res) {

where params is an object containing variables that can be accessed from the template.

Using this skeleton, you do so this way:

var exskel = require('./exskel');

app.get('mypath',function(req.res) {

By doing so, the object you pass to the template will also contain some overwritable entries used to setup the header and footer for the HTML page.

In addition, this gives access to following variables, available in your template:

Parameter Description
req the request object
config the content of the config.json file
user the logged user or null

For instance:

<% if(user) { %><p>Hello <%= user.username %><% } %>
<p>You are on <%= config.siteName %>. Your IP is <%= req.ip %></p>

You can modify the scripts and styles to be loaded in a specific page with:

Parameter Description
scripts an array of local scripts that will be appended to the list of default scripts to be included (concatenated and minified). For instance, scripts: ['/js/angular.js','/js/angular-sanitize.js'] add those two scripts to the page
extScripts an array of external scripts to be appended to the default list of external scripts. For instance extScripts: ['//]. Note that external scripts are not concatenated nor minified
styles an array of local stylesheets to be appended to the default list of styles
extStyles an array of external stylesheets to be appended to the default list of external styles. External styles are not concatenated nor minified
criticalPathStyles null by default. If CSS critical path is used (criticalPathStyles set to true in config.json), the system will create a CSS cache string (5K to 10K) for each URL path (without the query part) it serves. So, if you have a route like /article/:id/view, this will lead to many useless entries if you have a large number of articles, while they all share the same critical path CSS. By setting parameter criticalPathStyles to something like "article-view", this string will be used as the cache key instead of the URL path

The template variables object also contains some functions used to setup the optimized scripts and styles loading:

Parameter Description
header a function returning the HTML code to be included just before </head>
footer a function returning the HTML code to be included just before </body>

So, templates (EJS version) should look like:

    <%- header() %>
    <%- footer() %>

Default template

The template provided by default in this project holds 4 different layouts:

  • page-1col: all the content in a single column
  • page-2col1: the bigger column is at the right
  • page-2col2: the bigger column is at the left
  • page-3col: the bigger column in the middle, two smaller ones at the sides

When using this template, you may be interested in those template variables:

Parameter Description
content name of a file in the views directory (without the .ejb extension) to be included as content, used with layout page-1col
contentLeft name of a file in the views directory (without the .ejb extension) to be included as left content, used with layout page-2col1, page-2col2 and page-2col
contentRight name of a file in the views directory (without the .ejb extension) to be included as right content, used with layout page-2col1, page-2col2 and page-3col
contentMiddle name of a file in the views directory (without the .ejb extension) to be included as middle content, used with layout page-3col
pageTitle the HTML title for the page
nav a object describing the primary menu. See /controllers/nav.json for the structure

If you set inline as a content to be included, you can also use those parameters to create very simple content:

Parameter Description
title a title to appear in the content
text a text (will be enclosed in <p>)
paragraphs an array of texts (each of them will be enclosed in <p>)
html raw HTML code

Other tools

A few other tools may also be useful.

Google Analytics

In the template variable object:

Parameter Description
gaPath by default the page reported to GA is the page path, but if your route is say /article/:id/view and you are more interested in the global visits to this type of page than to each individual page, you can set gaPath to something like /article/any/view
gaEvents some events to be sent to Google Analytics from the user browser. For instance, [["Article","view","myarticle",1]]

It is also possible to send events on behalf of the user from the server itself:


REST interface

For AJAX calls, you can use the following utility to answer properly:'/api/do-some-stuff',function(req,res) {
	exskel.apiCall(req,res,function(req,cb) {
		// do some sync or async stuff
		// call cb(err,result) when done

This will return a proper JSON response with fields:

Parameter Description
status Boolean. Indicates whether the call succeeded or failed
error if status is false, a string telling about the error reason
result if status is true, the result of the operation

Forcing HTTPS

If you want some pages (like the ones concerning payments or sensitive information) to be served in HTTPS only, you can do this:

app.get('/secure-page',exskel.forceHttps(function(req,res) {

Ads management

Express-ads has been added so you can distribute ads from your web site. Express-ads admin interface is integrated into the site.

Additional notes


Regarding the concatenation / minification of styles and scripts and the CSS critical path, it may take a couple of browser refreshs before seeing the effect in the HTML code. This is because those operations are performed in background while we answer the request as quickly as we can, even if we don't have the optimized data yet.

For instance, right after starting the server application, if you visit view-source:http://localhost:9080/, you see:

<link rel='prefetch' href='//'/>
<link rel='prefetch' href='/css/bootstrap.min.css?YoCvg'/>
<link rel='prefetch' href='/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css?YoCvg'/>
<link rel='prefetch' href='/css/main.css?YoCvg'/>
<link rel="subresource" href="/js/jquery.min.js?YoCvg">
<link rel="subresource" href="/js/jquery.dropotron.min.js?YoCvg">
<link rel="subresource" href="/js/bootstrap.min.js?YoCvg">
<link rel="subresource" href="/js/skel.min.js?YoCvg">
<link rel="subresource" href="/js/skel-viewport.min.js?YoCvg">
<link rel="subresource" href="/js/util.js?YoCvg">
<link rel="subresource" href="/js/main.js?YoCvg">
<script>!function(e,t,r){function n(){for(;d[0]&&"loaded"==d[0][f];)c=d.shift(),c[o]=!i.parentNode.insertBefore(c,i)}for(var s,a,c,d=[],i=e.scripts[0],o="onreadystatechange",f="readyState";s=r.shift();)a=e.createElement(t),"async"in i?(a.async=!1,e.head.appendChild(a)):i[f]?(d.push(a),a[o]=n):e.write("<"+t+' src="'+s+'" defer></'+t+">"),a.src=s}(document,"script",["/js/jquery.min.js?YoCvg","/js/jquery.dropotron.min.js?YoCvg","/js/bootstrap.min.js?YoCvg","/js/skel.min.js?YoCvg","/js/skel-viewport.min.js?YoCvg","/js/util.js?YoCvg","/js/main.js?YoCvg"])</script>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/css/bootstrap.min.css?YoCvg'/>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css?YoCvg'/>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/css/main.css?YoCvg'/>

Refresh the page once. Now you get:

<link rel='prefetch' href='//'/>
<link rel='prefetch' href='/css/cache-6ad2713fc4ddfe5d801278b4fef4e5d3.css?YoCvg'/>
<link rel="subresource" href="/js/cache-ade755560a51198ea7c00320d5baf400.js?YoCvg">
<script>!function(e,t,r){function n(){for(;d[0]&&"loaded"==d[0][f];)c=d.shift(),c[o]=!i.parentNode.insertBefore(c,i)}for(var s,a,c,d=[],i=e.scripts[0],o="onreadystatechange",f="readyState";s=r.shift();)a=e.createElement(t),"async"in i?(a.async=!1,e.head.appendChild(a)):i[f]?(d.push(a),a[o]=n):e.write("<"+t+' src="'+s+'" defer></'+t+">"),a.src=s}(document,"script",["/js/cache-ade755560a51198ea7c00320d5baf400.js?YoCvg"])</script>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='//'/>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/css/cache-6ad2713fc4ddfe5d801278b4fef4e5d3.css?YoCvg'/>

As you can see, scripts and styles local resources have been concatenated (and also minified) to single cache-xxx.js and cache-xxx.css files. Refresh again to see:

<link rel='prefetch' href='//'/>
<link rel='prefetch' href='/css/cache-6ad2713fc4ddfe5d801278b4fef4e5d3.css?YoCvg'/>
<link rel="subresource" href="/js/cache-ade755560a51198ea7c00320d5baf400.js?YoCvg">
<script>!function(e,t,r){function n(){for(;d[0]&&"loaded"==d[0][f];)c=d.shift(),c[o]=!i.parentNode.insertBefore(c,i)}for(var s,a,c,d=[],i=e.scripts[0],o="onreadystatechange",f="readyState";s=r.shift();)a=e.createElement(t),"async"in i?(a.async=!1,e.head.appendChild(a)):i[f]?(d.push(a),a[o]=n):e.write("<"+t+' src="'+s+'" defer></'+t+">"),a.src=s}(document,"script",["/js/cache-ade755560a51198ea7c00320d5baf400.js?YoCvg"])</script>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='//'/>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/css/cache-6ad2713fc4ddfe5d801278b4fef4e5d3.css?YoCvg'/>

The additional inline <style>...</style> represents the minimal CSS required to display properly the visible part (above-the-fold) of the page. Additional styles (complete CSS with hovers, transitions, ...) are loaded shortly after but from a visitor point of view, the page loaded quickly and had immediately its final look.

Additional refreshes won't change the HTML code.

Also, if you are concerned about performance and did not setup a CDN (like Cloudflare) yet, you should do so as your priority.


Express-base web site skeleton







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