This is our implementation of the real-time messaging application with astrology theme. It was a team app, where I did frontend part.
I was engaged in the main layout and development of the login and registration window of our chat, validation of incoming user data, such as login, password, date of birth. Also I took part in the final layout of the chat, displaying the created groups, chats, helped with displaying, editing and deleting messages.
By the way, this app was developed just in 14 days.
- basic authentication and registration with date of birth to determine the zodiac sign
- if client lost connection with server, app will try to reconnect
- abilty to edit or delete messages after sending
- recipient can see sender's name and date, where message was sent
- creating individual or group chats
- prediction for the day every day, that depends on zodiac sign
- dark/light mode
- basic authentication and registration with date of birth to determine the zodiac sign
- for every user information processing are responsible different threads
- uchat_server works as a daemon, listening to the specified port
- all necessary data is saved into the database
- json-c
- GTK+3
- sqlite3
- openSSL
- libmx (own library with usefull functions in C)
This program was developed on the MacOS, so it works correctly there.
You need to install GTK3 and sqlite3 before compiling
In folder with cloned project use make
to compile project.
Start server with ./uchat_server <port>
Start client with ./uchat <ip> <port>
To delete the program - make uninstall
To delete all 'obj' files - make clean
To reinstall the program - make reinstall