A Kubernetes operator that maintains in-cluster docker registries, accounts as well as push and pull secrets. Granular authorization is supported by cesanta/docker_auth.
This operator supports the following CRDs:
represents a docker image registry and docker_auth service.ImageRegistryAccount
represents an account to access the registry. A registry only authenticates accounts contained in its namespace.ImagePushSecret
represents anImageRegistryAccount
in the referenced registry's namespace and anOpaque
with a docker config at keyconfig.json
represents anImageRegistryAccount
in the referenced registry's namespace and akubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson
By default managed push and pull secrets are rotated every 24h.
Both push and pull secrets contain additional keys:
- the registry's hostname (to be used to define registry agnostic builds)ca.crt
- the registry's CA certificate (to support test installations using a self-signed CA)username
- the registry's usernamepassword
- the registry's password
A Ready
condition is maintained by the operator for ImageRegistry
, ImagePushSecret
and ImagePullSecret
reflecting its current status and the cause in case of an error.
- LoadBalancer support
- LoadBalancer
names must resolve on the nodes - see DNS section below. - optional: cert-manager should be installed if a self-signed TLS certificate is not sufficient.
An ImageRegistry
's hostname looks as follows: <NAME>.<NAMESPACE>.<OPERATOR_DNS_ZONE>
is an environment variable that can be specified on the operator and defaults to svc.cluster.local
Registry name resolution inside your k8s cluster and on its nodes can be done using CoreDNS:
CoreDNS' static IP (
) should be configured as first nameserver on every node (avoid DNS loops!).
For development purposes this can be done using nodehack as ./deploy/minikube
For DNS propagation outside your cluster external-dns can be used - registry Service
resources are already annotated correspondingly by the operator.
Additionally CoreDNS' k8s_external plugin can be used to resolve public (registry) names inside the cluster (see ./deploy/coredns-public-zone
) making it independent from external DNS configuration.
The operator maintains a self-signed CA certificate secret image-registry-root-ca
in its own namespace.
By default, if neither an issuer nor a secret name are specified, the operator uses it to sign the generated TLS certificate for an ImageRegistry
Alternatively an ImageRegistry
can refer to an existing secret or a cert-manager
which the operator will then use to create a Certificate
Please note that, in case of a self-signed registry TLS CA, the CA certificate must be registered with the container runtime.
For development purposes this can be done using nodehack as ./deploy/minikube
Authorization can be specified per ImageRegistry
using docker_auth's ACL.
There are multiple operator deployment variants.
In all variants listed here the OPERATOR_DNS_ZONE
env var defaults to svc.cluster.local
Install the operator namespace-scoped in the default namespace:
kubectl apply -k github.com/mgoltzsche/image-registry-operator/deploy/crds
kubectl apply -k github.com/mgoltzsche/image-registry-operator/deploy/operator
Install the operator in the image-registry-operator
namespace letting it watch all namespaces:
kubectl apply -k github.com/mgoltzsche/image-registry-operator/deploy/cluster-wide
Create a Minikube (1.11) cluster using CRI-O:
minikube start --kubernetes-version=1.18.3 --network-plugin=cni --enable-default-cni --container-runtime=cri-o --bootstrapper=kubeadm
Install the operator cluster-wide with nodehack in the image-registry-operator
kubectl apply -k github.com/mgoltzsche/image-registry-operator/deploy/minikube
Create an ImageRegistry
(a self-signed TLS certificate is used if no secret or issuer is provided):
kubectl apply -f - <<-EOF
apiVersion: registry.mgoltzsche.github.com/v1alpha1
kind: ImageRegistry
name: registry
replicas: 1
tls: {}
# You may want to specify the TLS certificate
# by either providing a secret or referring to a cert-manager issuer:
# secretName: my-registry-tls
# issuerRef:
# name: my-lets-encrypt-issuer
# kind: Issuer
# You may want to use a different StorageClass here:
storageClassName: standard
- ReadWriteOnce # If >1 replicas ever required ReadWriteMany must be set (which is the default)
storage: 1Gi
Create an ImagePushSecret
kubectl apply -f - <<-EOF
apiVersion: registry.mgoltzsche.github.com/v1alpha1
kind: ImagePushSecret
name: example
registryRef: # when omitted operator's default registry is used
name: registry
#namespace: infra # another namespace's registry could be used
Create an ImagePullSecret
kubectl apply -f - <<-EOF
apiVersion: registry.mgoltzsche.github.com/v1alpha1
kind: ImagePullSecret
name: example
name: registry
Create an ImageBuildEnv
using the previously created secret:
kubectl apply -f - <<-EOF
apiVersion: registry.mgoltzsche.github.com/v1alpha1
kind: ImageBuildEnv
name: example
redis: true
- secretName: imagepushsecret-example
Configure your local host to use the previously created ImagePushSecret
's Docker config:
kubectl get secret imagepushsecret-example -o jsonpath='{.data.\.dockerconfigjson}' | base64 -d > ~/.docker/config.json
To use a self-signed registry cert (for development) configure /etc/docker/daemon.json
with (docker needs to be restarted):
"insecure-registries" : ["registry.default.svc.cluster.local"]
When running the registry in minikube you need to map the registry
Service's IP on your host.
Build the operator as well as preconfigured docker_auth and nginx images (requires make and docker/podman):
make operator docker_auth nginx
make unit-tests
make start-minikube
Test the locally built operator binary without building/pushing it as new container image:
export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/config
make containerized-operatorsdk-tests-local
export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/config
kubectl apply --validate=false -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v0.15.1/cert-manager.yaml
kubectl rollout status -w --timeout 120s -n cert-manager deploy cert-manager-webhook
kubectl wait --for condition=established --timeout 20s crd issuers.cert-manager.io
make containerized-kubectl-tests
Contributions are welcome. Changes and large features should be discussed in an issue first though.
The operator skeleton has been generated using the operator-sdk:
- The
directory contains the corresponding kubernetes manifests. - The
directory is generated frompkg/apis/registry/*/*_types.go
. - The
directories contain the code that handles the corresponding CRD.
The CRDs in deploy/crd
and zz_*.go
files need to be regenerated as follows when an API type changes:
make generate
- Follow the instructions above to install the operator on minikube and run the examples
- Run the operator using skaffold (instantly redeploys on source changes):
skaffold dev