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This program can deal with png files, grayscale with depth 8bits. a test image is provided which is 6000*6000 pixels.

you can compile and execute the program by using Makefile

below are some details:

to compile all versions (sequential, OpenMP, MPI):

by:	 		make

to execute:

-Sequential by: 	make seq
-OpenMP by: 		make omp
-OpenMPI by: 		make openmpi
-MPI by: 		make mpi

to clean the results:

by: 			make clean

Notes: General:

-all programs using libpng
-the programs doing 10 iterations for each to check the best results
-in case you need to change iteration number you can go to header.h and change the value of ITERATION_NUMBER to whatever you want
-to change input file you need to go to Makefile for sequential, openmp, and mpi to:
	* the line 7 for sequential version and change the name of the desired input image
	* line 10 for OpenMP version
        * line 16 for mpi version
- where to change input file in OpenMPI you need to open mpi.job and change input image to the desired one in the line 12


-to change threads number go the the file omp.c and change the variable THREAD_NUMBER


-to change number of nodes by accessing mpi.job and change:	#SBATCH --nodes=<#No of desired nodes>
-to change thread number by accessing mpi.job and change:	#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=<desired thread #No>


-to change number of nodes open Makefile in the line 9 you can redefine number of nodes