This project emulates a basic CRM customer data holder.
The goal of the project its explained on [this document](documents/API Backend.pdf).
There's some needed configuration on the files that you have to check before running the project. server.port
spring.datasource.url: URL to the database connection
spring.datasource.driverClassName: drive of the database, needed for the JDBC API
spring.datasource.username: Username of database
spring.datasource.password: Password for database
spring.jpa.database-platform: Dialect for the database
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto: This will tell to the database if there's some needed actions about creating the schema, updating, etc
- Client id of the oauth2 application provider
- Client id of the oauth2 application provider
crm.customers.document.validation=Map object of key, value where the KEY is the country code and the value is the regexp for the document. Example: {
'DE': '[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]{9}D[A-Za-z0-9]'
We are assuming that you have installed docker and docker compose on your server machine. There are 3 instructions to run the project.
Situate on the folder that is holding the project and use these commands.
This command stops the current task if one is running.
docker-compose down
This command starts the application
docker-compose run -d -p "8080:8080" java-api gradle clean build bootRun -x test
This command execute the tests
docker-compose run --rm --no-deps -p "8080:8080" java-api gradle test
We are not going in deep on docker functionalities. Check the official documentation if you have any doubt.
After running the containers, connect to the database and insert your first user. This is needed to interact with the API. There you have an insert example
The API of the project its explained on this document. This can be read with swagger editor. Copy the yaml content and paste on the editor. You will see a human-readable documentation. //TODO ver el tema login para testing desde POSTMAN
- We use different Spring dependencies for this project.
- Lombok for a better clean code.
- hibernate-validator for custom field validations
This project is based on a Clean Architecture approach, so you could find the first basic layers:
Here you will find the different files to interact with the outside. In this folder you there are two different folders:
: Here you will have the classes that handle the REST endpoints and the Request/Responsepersistence
: Here it is the persistence layer, which interact with the PostgreSQL database, decoupling the rest of the application
You can use this as a starting point to continue with this architecture, or adapt it to your preferences.
Any of your domain Entities, or Services, that models your business logic. These classes should be completely isolated of any external dependency or framework, but interact with them. This layer should follow the Dependency Inversion principle.