This project could be created from the data provided by the Reddit user UnrealSWAT at the following link reddit
- Automatic download ps vita demo pkg from here Bitter Smile ( if not exist on your root package )
- From QCMA intetalled path, list PSN ID
- From PSN ID, autogenerate encrypted key on Henkaku web
- Easy autoinstall all package with menu
- PsVita on 3.65 version ( only allowed )
- QCMA Application installed
Script dev dependencies ( brew ):
- curl
$ brew install curl
- wget
$ brew install wget
Install QCMA
Install commnad line library ( curl & wget ) [ if needed ]
Connect psvita on PC with QCMA, leave this in the background
this generate a PSN ID on /APP when f we are registered and logged in psn store
Run the executable ( auto_h-encore.command ), when complete QCMA will notify you that the database refreshed and there should be a new addition
Use this script/package at your own risk. I do not take responsibility for any problems that may occur (I have tried it on my own console and have had no problems)
This is not affiliated to any company, it is only for study purposes to see how it works and to improve my development skills
GNU General Public License v3.0
MD Template from dillinger
Free Software, Hell Yeah!