The repository contains conda recipes for some of my Python projects and their dependencies, specifically for coma and qca. The recipes only target OS X and Linux for now, Windows is not supported. Binary packages for OS X and Linux are available on Binstar. The packages are built on OS X 10.9 and Ubuntu 14.04.
The packages can be build by running:
$ conda build coma boost-headers boost-python boost-test eigen qca
Once built, the packages can be installed with:
$ conda install \
--use-local \
coma boost-headers boost-python boost-test eigen qca
Alternatively, and this should be easier, the packages can be installed from Binstar without previously building them.
$ conda install \
-c \
coma boost-headers boost-python boost-test eigen qca
The recipes are distributed under the two-clause BSD license. See the LICENSE
file for details.
Burkhard Ritter ([email protected]), May 2014