This project is the implementation of a backend application for scheduling events on a calendar.
- Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
docker compose pull db
docker compose up
- If using pycharm, you can find guide to setup venv at if not automatically setup
- [optional] If you change the local mysql port in the docker-compose file, update the config.ini file to reflect your selected port as well
- Connect to your running MySQL instance using any client of your choice (eg sqlyog). According to the default docker compose file, this shouls be running on port 33066 with "root" as username and password
- Create db with name "calendar_event_scheduler".
- For the first run, uncomment # db.create_all() in line 48 of the to ensure the tables for the database are created
- Run to start server
- If everything is successful, comment out the db.create_all() in the file to prevent recreating the tables on subsequent runs
See Full documentation with sample requests and responses at
You can click on run in postman at the top right corner to test it out.
[server url]/api/availabilities/create [add new availability]:
[server url]/api/availabilities/ [list availabilities]
[server url]/api/availabilities-by-date/int:day/int:month/int:year [list availabilities by date]
[server url]/api/availabilities/delete/int:id [delete availability]
[server url]/api/reservations/create' [add new reservation]
[server url]/api/reservations' [list reservations]
[server url]/api/reservations/delete/int:id [delete reservation]
Daily request logs can be found in the logs folder
The frontend for this application can be found at