ProblemDetails is a Error Handler base on RFC 7807 standard to map our error to standardized error payload to client. The data model for problem details is a JSON object; when formatted as a JSON document, it uses the
media type and for XML format it uses theapplication/problem+xml
media type. By defining machine-readable details of HTTP errors, we can avoid defining new error response formats for HTTP APIs.
Our problem details response body and headers will be look like this:
// Response body
"status": 400, // The HTTP status code generated on the problem occurrence
"title": "bad-request", // A short human-readable problem summary
"detail": "We have a bad request in our endpoint", // A human-readable explanation for what exactly happened
"type": "", // URI reference to identify the problem type
"instance": "/sample1", // URI reference of the occurrence
"stackTrace": "some more trace for error", // More trace information error for what exactly happened
// Response headers
content-type: application/problem+json
date: Thu,29 Sep 2022 14:07:23 GMT
There are some samples for using this package on top of Echo here and for Gin here.
go get
For handling our error we need to specify an Error Handler
on top of Echo
// EchoErrorHandler middleware for handle problem details error on echo
func EchoErrorHandler(error error, c echo.Context) {
// add custom map problem details here...
// resolve problem details error from response in echo
if !c.Response().Committed {
if _, err := problem.ResolveProblemDetails(c.Response(), c.Request(), error); err != nil {
In this sample we map status code StatusBadGateway
to StatusUnauthorized
base on handler config to problem details error.
// handle specific status code to problem details error
func sample1(c echo.Context) error {
err := errors.New("We have a specific status code error in our endpoint")
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadGateway, err)
// problem details handler config
problem.MapStatus(http.StatusBadGateway, func() problem.ProblemDetailErr {
return &problem.ProblemDetail{
Status: http.StatusUnauthorized,
Title: "unauthorized",
Detail: error.Error(),
In this sample we map custom error type to problem details error.
// handle custom type error to problem details error
func sample2(c echo.Context) error {
err := errors.New("We have a custom type error in our endpoint")
return custom_errors.BadRequestError{InternalError: err}
// problem details handler config
problem.Map[custom_errors.BadRequestError](func() problem.ProblemDetailErr {
return &problem.ProblemDetail{
Status: http.StatusBadRequest,
Title: "bad request",
Detail: error.Error(),
For handling our error we need to specify an Error Handler
on top of Gin
// GinErrorHandler middleware for handle problem details error on gin
func GinErrorHandler() gin.HandlerFunc {
return func(c *gin.Context) {
for _, err := range c.Errors {
// add custom map problem details here...
if _, err := problem.ResolveProblemDetails(c.Writer, c.Request, err); err != nil {
In this sample we map status code StatusBadGateway
to StatusUnauthorized
base on handler config to problem details error.
// handle specific status code to problem details error
func sample1(c *gin.Context) {
err := errors.New("We have a specific status code error in our endpoint")
_ = c.AbortWithError(http.StatusBadGateway, err)
// problem details handler config
problem.MapStatus(http.StatusBadGateway, func() problem.ProblemDetailErr {
return &problem.ProblemDetail{
Status: http.StatusUnauthorized,
Title: "unauthorized",
Detail: err.Error(),
In this sample we map custom error type to problem details error.
// handle custom type error to problem details error
func sample2(c *gin.Context) {
err := errors.New("We have a custom type error in our endpoint")
customBadRequestError := custom_errors.BadRequestError{InternalError: err}
_ = c.Error(customBadRequestError)
// problem details handler config
problem.Map[custom_errors.BadRequestError](func() problem.ProblemDetailErr {
return &problem.ProblemDetail{
Status: http.StatusBadRequest,
Title: "bad request",
Detail: err.Error(),
We support custom problem details error for create more flexibility response error:
// custom problem details
type CustomProblemDetail struct {
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
AdditionalInfo string `json:"additionalInfo,omitempty"`
// problem details handler config
problem.Map[custom_errors.ConflictError](func() problem.ProblemDetailErr {
return &custom_problems.CustomProblemDetail{
ProblemDetailErr: &problem.ProblemDetail{
Status: http.StatusConflict,
Title: "conflict",
Detail: error.Error(),
AdditionalInfo: "some additional info...",
Description: "some description...",
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