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Merge pull request #1144 from frenchy64/unreachable-gen-idiom
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refactor generator ns with -never-gen helpers
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ikitommi authored Dec 8, 2024
2 parents 0b69456 + affa1f3 commit f664244
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Showing 2 changed files with 96 additions and 186 deletions.
269 changes: 90 additions & 179 deletions src/malli/generator.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
;; See also `malli.generator-ast` for viewing generators as data
(ns malli.generator
(:require [clojure.spec.gen.alpha :as ga]
(:require [clojure.set :as set]
[clojure.spec.gen.alpha :as ga]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test.check :as check]
[clojure.test.check.generators :as gen]
Expand All @@ -13,7 +14,7 @@
[malli.impl.util :refer [-last -merge]]
#?(:clj [borkdude.dynaload :as dynaload])))

(declare generator generate -create)
(declare generator generate -create gen-one-of gen-double)

(defprotocol Generator
(-generator [this options] "returns generator for schema"))
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(def nil-gen (gen/return nil))

(defn- -child [schema options] (first (m/children schema options)))
(defn- -child-gen [schema options] (generator (-child schema options) options))

(defn -never-gen
"Return a generator of no values that is compatible with -unreachable-gen?."
[{::keys [original-generator-schema] :as _options}]
(with-meta (gen/sized (fn [_]
(m/-fail! ::infinitely-expanding-schema
(m/-fail! ::unsatisfiable-schema
(cond-> {}
original-generator-schema (assoc :schema original-generator-schema)))))
{::never-gen true
Expand All @@ -66,17 +70,10 @@
[g] (-> (meta g) ::never-gen boolean))

(defn -not-unreachable [g] (when-not (-unreachable-gen? g) g))
(defn -unreachable [g] (when (-unreachable-gen? g) g))

(defn- -random [seed] (if seed (random/make-random seed) (random/make-random)))

(defn ^:deprecated -recur [_schema options]
(println (str `-recur " is deprecated, please update your generators. See instructions in malli.generator."))
[true options])

(defn ^:deprecated -maybe-recur [_schema options]
(println (str `-maybe-recur " is deprecated, please update your generators. See instructions in malli.generator."))

(defn -min-max [schema options]
(let [{:keys [min max] gen-min :gen/min gen-max :gen/max} (m/properties schema options)]
(when (and min gen-min (< gen-min min))
Expand All @@ -86,68 +83,64 @@
{:min (or gen-min min)
:max (or gen-max max)}))

(defn- -double-gen [options] (gen/double* (merge {:infinite? false, :NaN? false} options)))

(defn- gen-vector-min [gen min options]
(cond-> (gen/sized #(gen/vector gen min (+ min %)))
(::generator-ast options) (vary-meta assoc ::generator-ast
{:op :vector-min
:generator gen
:min min})))
(defn- inf-nan [schema options]
(let [{:gen/keys [infinite? NaN?]} (m/properties schema)]
{:infinite? infinite? :NaN? NaN?}))

(defn- -double-gen [schema options] (gen-double (into (inf-nan schema options) (-min-max schema options))))

(defn- gen-fmap [f gen] (or (-unreachable gen) (gen/fmap f gen)))
(defn- gen-fcat [gen] (gen-fmap #(apply concat %) gen))
(defn- gen-tuple [gens] (or (some -unreachable gens) (apply gen/tuple gens)))
(defn- gen-maybe [g] (if (-unreachable-gen? g) nil-gen (gen/one-of [nil-gen g])))
(def ^:private double-default {:infinite? false, :NaN? false})
(defn- gen-double [opts] (gen/double* (-> (into double-default opts) (update :min #(some-> % double)) (update :max #(some-> % double)))))

(defn- gen-vector [{:keys [min max]} g]
(-unreachable-gen? g) (if (zero? (or min 0)) (gen/return []) g)
(and min (= min max)) (gen/vector g min)
(and min max) (gen/vector g min max)
min (vary-meta (gen/sized #(gen/vector g min (+ min %))) assoc ::generator-ast {:op :vector-min :generator g :min min})
max (gen/vector g 0 max)
:else (gen/vector g)))

(defn- gen-vector-distinct-by [schema {:keys [min] :as m} f g]
(if (-unreachable-gen? g)
(if (= 0 (or min 0)) (gen/return []) g)
(gen/vector-distinct-by f g (-> (assoc (if (and min (= min max))
{:num-elements min}
(set/rename-keys m {:min :min-elements :max :max-elements}))
:ex-fn #(m/-exception ::distinct-generator-failure (assoc % :schema schema)))))))

(defn- -string-gen [schema options]
(let [{:keys [min max]} (-min-max schema options)]
(and min (= min max)) (gen/fmap str/join (gen/vector gen/char-alphanumeric min))
(and min max) (gen/fmap str/join (gen/vector gen/char-alphanumeric min max))
min (gen/fmap str/join (gen-vector-min gen/char-alphanumeric min options))
max (gen/fmap str/join (gen/vector gen/char-alphanumeric 0 max))
:else gen/string-alphanumeric)))

(defn- -coll-gen [schema f options]
(let [{:keys [min max]} (-min-max schema options)
child (-> schema m/children first)
gen (generator child options)]
(if (-unreachable-gen? gen)
(if (= 0 (or min 0))
(gen/fmap f (gen/return []))
(-never-gen options))
(gen/fmap f (cond
(and min (= min max)) (gen/vector gen min)
(and min max) (gen/vector gen min max)
min (gen-vector-min gen min options)
max (gen/vector gen 0 max)
:else (gen/vector gen))))))
(gen-fmap str/join (gen-vector (-min-max schema options) gen/char-alphanumeric)))

(defn- -coll-gen
([schema options] (-coll-gen schema identity options))
([schema f options] (gen-fmap f (gen-vector (-min-max schema options) (-child-gen schema options)))))

(defn- gen-vector-distinct [schema m g] (gen-vector-distinct-by schema m identity g))

(defn- -coll-distinct-gen [schema f options]
(let [{:keys [min max]} (-min-max schema options)
child (-> schema m/children first)
gen (generator child options)]
(if (-unreachable-gen? gen)
(if (= 0 (or min 0))
(gen/return (f []))
(-never-gen options))
(gen/fmap f (gen/vector-distinct gen {:min-elements min, :max-elements max, :max-tries 100
:ex-fn #(m/-exception ::distinct-generator-failure
(assoc % :schema schema))})))))
(gen-fmap f (gen-vector-distinct schema (-min-max schema options) (-child-gen schema options))))

(defn- ->such-that-opts [schema] {:max-tries 100 :ex-fn #(m/-exception ::such-that-failure (assoc % :schema schema))})
(defn- gen-such-that [schema pred gen] (or (-unreachable gen) (gen/such-that pred gen (->such-that-opts schema))))

(defn -and-gen [schema options]
(if-some [gen (-not-unreachable (-> schema (m/children options) first (generator options)))]
(gen/such-that (m/validator schema options) gen
{:max-tries 100
:ex-fn #(m/-exception ::and-generator-failure
(assoc % :schema schema))})
(-never-gen options)))
(gen-such-that schema (m/validator schema options) (-child-gen schema options)))

(defn- gen-one-of [gs]
(if (= 1 (count gs))
(first gs)
(gen/one-of gs)))
(defn- gen-one-of [options gs]
(if-some [gs (not-empty (into [] (keep -not-unreachable) gs))]
(if (= 1 (count gs)) (nth gs 0) (gen/one-of gs))
(-never-gen options)))

(defn- -seqable-gen [schema options]
(let [{:keys [min]} (-min-max schema options)
el (-> schema m/children first)]
el (-child schema options)]
(-> []
(or (nil? min) (zero? min))
Expand All @@ -162,11 +155,7 @@
(generator [:map-of (or (m/properties schema) {}) k v] options))))))))

(defn -or-gen [schema options]
(if-some [gs (not-empty
(into [] (keep #(-not-unreachable (generator % options)))
(m/children schema options)))]
(gen-one-of gs)
(-never-gen options)))
(gen-one-of options (map #(generator % options) (m/children schema options))))

(defn- -merge-keyword-dispatch-map-into-entries [schema]
(let [dispatch (-> schema m/properties :dispatch)]
Expand All @@ -180,11 +169,7 @@
(m/options schema)))))

(defn -multi-gen [schema options]
(if-some [gs (->> (m/entries (-merge-keyword-dispatch-map-into-entries schema) options)
(into [] (keep #(-not-unreachable (generator (last %) options))))
(gen-one-of gs)
(-never-gen options)))
(gen-one-of options (map #(generator (last %) options) (m/entries (-merge-keyword-dispatch-map-into-entries schema) options))))

(defn- -build-map [kvs]
Expand All @@ -195,43 +180,16 @@
:else (assoc! acc k v)))
(transient {}) kvs)))

(defn- -value-gen [k s options]
(let [g (generator s options)]
(cond->> g (-not-unreachable g) (gen/fmap (fn [v] [k v])))))
(defn- -entry-gen [[k s] options]
(cond->> (gen-fmap #(do [k %]) (generator s options)) (-> s m/properties :optional) gen-maybe))

(defn -map-gen [schema options]
(loop [[[k s :as e] & entries] (m/entries schema)
gens []]
(if (nil? e)
(gen/fmap -build-map (apply gen/tuple gens))
(if (-> e -last m/properties :optional)
;; opt
(conj gens
(if-let [g (-not-unreachable (-value-gen k s options))]
(gen-one-of [nil-gen g])
;;; req
(let [g (-value-gen k s options)]
(if (-unreachable-gen? g)
(-never-gen options)
(recur entries (conj gens g))))))))
(->> schema m/entries (map #(-entry-gen % options)) gen-tuple (gen-fmap -build-map)))

(defn -map-of-gen [schema options]
(let [{:keys [min max]} (-min-max schema options)
[k-gen v-gen :as gs] (map #(generator % options) (m/children schema options))]
(if (some -unreachable-gen? gs)
(if (= 0 (or min 0))
(gen/return {})
(-never-gen options))
(let [opts (-> (cond
(and min (= min max)) {:num-elements min}
(and min max) {:min-elements min :max-elements max}
min {:min-elements min}
max {:max-elements max})
(assoc :ex-fn #(m/-exception ::distinct-generator-failure (assoc % :schema schema))))]
(gen/fmap #(into {} %) (gen/vector-distinct-by first (gen/tuple k-gen v-gen) opts))))))
(->> (gen-tuple (map #(generator % options) (m/children schema options)))
(gen-vector-distinct-by schema (-min-max schema options) #(nth % 0))
(gen-fmap #(into {} %))))

(defn -re-gen [schema options]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -359,67 +317,40 @@
(gen/return (m/-instrument {:schema schema, :gen #(generate % options)} nil options)))

(defn -regex-generator [schema options]
(if (m/-regex-op? schema)
(generator schema options)
(let [g (generator schema options)]
(cond-> g
(-not-unreachable g) gen/tuple))))
(cond-> (generator schema options) (not (m/-regex-op? schema)) (-> vector gen-tuple)))

(defn- entry->schema [e] (if (vector? e) (get e 2) e))
(defn- -re-entry-gen [e options] (-regex-generator (if (vector? e) (get e 2) e) options))

(defn -cat-gen [schema options]
(let [gs (->> (m/children schema options)
(map #(-regex-generator (entry->schema %) options)))]
(if (some -unreachable-gen? gs)
(-never-gen options)
(->> gs
(apply gen/tuple)
(gen/fmap #(apply concat %))))))
(->> (m/children schema options) (map #(-re-entry-gen % options)) gen-tuple gen-fcat))

(defn -alt-gen [schema options]
(let [gs (->> (m/children schema options)
(keep #(-regex-generator (entry->schema %) options)))]
(if (every? -unreachable-gen? gs)
(-never-gen options)
(gen-one-of (into [] (keep -not-unreachable) gs)))))
(->> (m/children schema options) (map #(-re-entry-gen % options)) (gen-one-of options)))

(defn -?-gen [schema options]
(let [child (m/-get schema 0 nil)]
(let [child (-child schema options)]
(if-some [g (-not-unreachable (generator child options))]
(if (m/-regex-op? child)
(gen/one-of [g (gen/return ())])
(gen/vector g 0 1))
(gen/return ()))))

(defn -*-gen [schema options]
(let [child (m/-get schema 0 nil)
mode (::-*-gen-mode options :*)
options (dissoc options ::-*-gen-mode)]
(if-some [g (-not-unreachable (generator child options))]
(cond->> (case mode
:* (gen/vector g)
:+ (gen-vector-min g 1 options))
(m/-regex-op? child)
(gen/fmap #(apply concat %)))
(case mode
:* (gen/return ())
:+ (-never-gen options)))))
(let [child (-child schema options)]
(cond->> (gen-vector (when (= :+ (::-*-gen-mode options)) {:min 1}) (generator child (dissoc options ::-*-gen-mode)))
(m/-regex-op? child) gen-fcat)))

(defn -+-gen [schema options]
(-*-gen schema (assoc options ::-*-gen-mode :+)))

(defn -repeat-gen [schema options]
(let [child (m/-get schema 0 nil)]
(if-some [g (-not-unreachable (-coll-gen schema identity options))]
(cond->> g
(m/-regex-op? child)
(gen/fmap #(apply concat %)))
(gen/return ()))))
(or (some-> (-coll-gen schema options) -not-unreachable (cond-> (m/-regex-op? (-child schema options)) gen-fcat))
(gen/return ())))

(defn -qualified-ident-gen [schema mk-value-with-ns value-with-ns-gen-size pred gen]
(if-let [namespace-unparsed (:namespace (m/properties schema))]
(gen/fmap (fn [k] (mk-value-with-ns (name namespace-unparsed) (name k))) value-with-ns-gen-size)
(gen/such-that pred gen {:ex-fn #(m/-exception ::qualified-ident-gen-failure (assoc % :schema schema))})))
(gen-fmap (fn [k] (mk-value-with-ns (name namespace-unparsed) (name k))) value-with-ns-gen-size)
(gen-such-that schema pred gen)))

(defn -qualified-keyword-gen [schema]
(-qualified-ident-gen schema keyword gen/keyword qualified-keyword? gen/keyword-ns))
Expand All @@ -436,57 +367,37 @@

(defmethod -schema-generator ::default [schema options] (ga/gen-for-pred (m/validator schema options)))

(defmethod -schema-generator :> [schema options] (-double-gen {:min (-> schema (m/children options) first inc)}))
(defmethod -schema-generator :>= [schema options] (-double-gen {:min (-> schema (m/children options) first)}))
(defmethod -schema-generator :< [schema options] (-double-gen {:max (-> schema (m/children options) first dec)}))
(defmethod -schema-generator :<= [schema options] (-double-gen {:max (-> schema (m/children options) first)}))
(defmethod -schema-generator := [schema options] (gen/return (first (m/children schema options))))
(defmethod -schema-generator :not= [schema options] (gen/such-that #(not= % (-> schema (m/children options) first)) gen/any-printable
{:max-tries 100
:ex-fn #(m/-exception ::not=-generator-failure (assoc % :schema schema))}))
(defmethod -schema-generator 'pos? [_ _] (gen/one-of [(-double-gen {:min 0.00001}) (gen/fmap inc gen/nat)]))
(defmethod -schema-generator 'neg? [_ _] (gen/one-of [(-double-gen {:max -0.0001}) (gen/fmap (comp dec -) gen/nat)]))

(defmethod -schema-generator :not [schema options] (gen/such-that (m/validator schema options) (ga/gen-for-pred any?)
{:max-tries 100
:ex-fn #(m/-exception ::not-generator-failure (assoc % :schema schema))}))
(defmethod -schema-generator :> [schema options] (gen-double {:min (inc (-child schema options))}))
(defmethod -schema-generator :>= [schema options] (gen-double {:min (-child schema options)}))
(defmethod -schema-generator :< [schema options] (gen-double {:max (dec (-child schema options))}))
(defmethod -schema-generator :<= [schema options] (gen-double {:max (-child schema options)}))
(defmethod -schema-generator := [schema options] (gen/return (-child schema options)))
(defmethod -schema-generator :not= [schema options] (gen-such-that schema #(not= % (-child schema options)) gen/any-printable))
(defmethod -schema-generator 'pos? [_ options] (gen/one-of [(gen-double {:min 0.00001}) (gen-fmap inc gen/nat)]))
(defmethod -schema-generator 'neg? [_ options] (gen/one-of [(gen-double {:max -0.00001}) (gen-fmap (comp dec -) gen/nat)]))
(defmethod -schema-generator :not [schema options] (gen-such-that schema (m/validator schema options) (ga/gen-for-pred any?)))
(defmethod -schema-generator :and [schema options] (-and-gen schema options))
(defmethod -schema-generator :or [schema options] (-or-gen schema options))
(defmethod -schema-generator :orn [schema options] (-or-gen (m/into-schema :or (m/properties schema) (map last (m/children schema)) (m/options schema)) options))
(defmethod -schema-generator ::m/val [schema options] (generator (first (m/children schema)) options))
(defmethod -schema-generator ::m/val [schema options] (-child-gen schema options))
(defmethod -schema-generator :map [schema options] (-map-gen schema options))
(defmethod -schema-generator :map-of [schema options] (-map-of-gen schema options))
(defmethod -schema-generator :multi [schema options] (-multi-gen schema options))
(defmethod -schema-generator :vector [schema options] (-coll-gen schema identity options))
(defmethod -schema-generator :sequential [schema options] (-coll-gen schema identity options))
(defmethod -schema-generator :vector [schema options] (-coll-gen schema options))
(defmethod -schema-generator :sequential [schema options] (-coll-gen schema options))
(defmethod -schema-generator :set [schema options] (-coll-distinct-gen schema set options))
(defmethod -schema-generator :enum [schema options] (gen-elements (m/children schema options)))
(defmethod -schema-generator :seqable [schema options] (-seqable-gen schema options))
(defmethod -schema-generator :every [schema options] (-seqable-gen schema options)) ;;infinite seqs?

(defmethod -schema-generator :maybe [schema options]
(let [g (-> schema (m/children options) first (generator options) -not-unreachable)]
(gen-one-of (cond-> [nil-gen]
g (conj g)))))

(defmethod -schema-generator :tuple [schema options]
(let [gs (map #(generator % options) (m/children schema options))]
(if (not-any? -unreachable-gen? gs)
(apply gen/tuple gs)
(-never-gen options))))
(defmethod -schema-generator :maybe [schema options] (gen-maybe (-child-gen schema options)))
(defmethod -schema-generator :tuple [schema options] (gen-tuple (map #(generator % options) (m/children schema options))))
#?(:clj (defmethod -schema-generator :re [schema options] (-re-gen schema options)))
(defmethod -schema-generator :any [_ _] (ga/gen-for-pred any?))
(defmethod -schema-generator :some [_ _] gen/any-printable)
(defmethod -schema-generator :nil [_ _] nil-gen)
(defmethod -schema-generator :string [schema options] (-string-gen schema options))
(defmethod -schema-generator :int [schema options] (gen/large-integer* (-min-max schema options)))
(defmethod -schema-generator :double [schema options]
(gen/double* (merge (let [props (m/properties schema options)]
{:infinite? (get props :gen/infinite? false)
:NaN? (get props :gen/NaN? false)})
(-> (-min-max schema options)
(update :min #(some-> % double))
(update :max #(some-> % double))))))
(defmethod -schema-generator :double [schema options] (-double-gen schema options))
(defmethod -schema-generator :float [schema options]
(let [max-float #?(:clj Float/MAX_VALUE :cljs (.-MAX_VALUE js/Number))
min-float (- max-float)
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