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ss MetaSoccer Token Bonding Curve

contract coverage



The MetaSoccer Token Bonding Curve (TBC) is an Automated Market Maker contract that enables users to buy and sell the MetaSoccer Universe (MSU) token.

When buying, the contract mints tokens in exchange of a given collateral (DAI will be used initially). When selling, the Curve wil burn those tokens back and return the collateral. The Curve provides market liquidity by automatically matching all the buy and sell orders according to a bonding curve tied to the Bancor formula.

To mitigate front-running attacks and authorizing slow-trading this contract also batches all the buy and sell orders received during a parametrable period of time to be matched given a common price.

The main contract has been forked from the following repo:

Tokenomics Model

In the case of MetaSoccer, the curve is expected to behave as modeled in The final parameters will be:

  • Initial MSU supply of 360M tokens
  • Reserve Ratio for Bancor Formula is 20%
  • TBC will start with a reserve of 540K DAIs
  • TBC will open trading with a price of 0.035 DAI/MSU

Mumbai Test Deployments


Clone project, install dependencies, set ENV variables under hardhat.config.js, then you can compile contracts and run tests with:

npx hardhat test

Deploy on external networks by running the scripts under the /deploy folder:

npx hardhat run --network mumbai scripts/deploy.js

Verify contracs on polygonscan with:

npx hardhat verify --network mumbai <contract_address>

Contract Interface

User-level interactions

The main contract allowing tokens exchange can be found under "contracts/BatchedBancorMarketMaker.sol". It aggregates orders by batches to avoid front-running. Each batch takes a predefined number of blocks that the user needs to wait in order to claim the order. User interaction is done via the following methods:

1. Open Buy Order Allows the user to open a buy order for a given amount of collateral (for example buy MSUs for 1000 DAIs). He transfers the DAIs but needs to wait the end of the batch to get the resulting MSUs.

  * @notice Open a buy order worth @tokenAmount(_collateral, _value)
  * @param _buyer      The address of the buyer
  * @param _collateral The address of the collateral token to be spent
  * @param _value      The amount of collateral token to be spent
  function openBuyOrder(address _buyer, address _collateral, uint256 _value) external {
      require(isOpen,                                                          ERROR_NOT_OPEN);
      require(_collateralIsWhitelisted(_collateral),                           ERROR_COLLATERAL_NOT_WHITELISTED);
      require(!_batchIsCancelled(_currentBatchId(), _collateral),              ERROR_BATCH_CANCELLED);
      require(_collateralValueIsValid(_buyer, _collateral, _value), ERROR_INVALID_COLLATERAL_VALUE);

      _openBuyOrder(_buyer, _collateral, _value);

2. Open Sell Order Allows the user to open a sell order for a given amount of MSUs (for example sell 1000 MSUs for DAIs). He transfers the MSUs but needs to wait the end of the batch to get the resulting DAIs.

 * @notice Open a sell order worth `@tokenAmount(self.token(): address, _amount)` against `_collateral.symbol(): string`
 * @param _seller     The address of the seller
 * @param _collateral The address of the collateral token to be returned
 * @param _amount     The amount of bonded token to be spent
function openSellOrder(address _seller, address _collateral, uint256 _amount) external {
    require(isOpen,                                             ERROR_NOT_OPEN);
    require(_collateralIsWhitelisted(_collateral),              ERROR_COLLATERAL_NOT_WHITELISTED);
    require(!_batchIsCancelled(_currentBatchId(), _collateral), ERROR_BATCH_CANCELLED);
    require(_bondAmountIsValid(_seller, _amount),               ERROR_INVALID_BOND_AMOUNT);
    require(curveSupply.sub(_amount) > minCurveSupply,          ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_POOL_BALANCE);

    _openSellOrder(_seller, _collateral, _amount);

3. Claim Buy Order Allows the user to get his MSUs after opening a buy order when the batch is done.

 * @notice Claim the results of `_buyer`'s `_collateral.symbol(): string` buy orders from batch #`_batchId`
 * @param _buyer      The address of the user whose buy orders are to be claimed
 * @param _batchId    The id of the batch in which buy orders are to be claimed
 * @param _collateral The address of the collateral token against which buy orders are to be claimed
function claimBuyOrder(address _buyer, uint256 _batchId, address _collateral) external nonReentrant {
    require(_collateralIsWhitelisted(_collateral),       ERROR_COLLATERAL_NOT_WHITELISTED);
    require(_batchIsOver(_batchId),                      ERROR_BATCH_NOT_OVER);
    require(!_batchIsCancelled(_batchId, _collateral),   ERROR_BATCH_CANCELLED);
    require(_userIsBuyer(_batchId, _collateral, _buyer), ERROR_NOTHING_TO_CLAIM);

    _claimBuyOrder(_buyer, _batchId, _collateral);

4. Claim Sell Order Allows the user to get his DAIs after opening a sell order when the batch is done.

 * @notice Claim the results of `_seller`'s `_collateral.symbol(): string` sell orders from batch #`_batchId`
 * @param _seller     The address of the user whose sell orders are to be claimed
 * @param _batchId    The id of the batch in which sell orders are to be claimed
 * @param _collateral The address of the collateral token against which sell orders are to be claimed
function claimSellOrder(address _seller, uint256 _batchId, address _collateral) external nonReentrant {
    require(_collateralIsWhitelisted(_collateral),         ERROR_COLLATERAL_NOT_WHITELISTED);
    require(_batchIsOver(_batchId),                        ERROR_BATCH_NOT_OVER);
    require(!_batchIsCancelled(_batchId, _collateral),     ERROR_BATCH_CANCELLED);
    require(_userIsSeller(_batchId, _collateral, _seller), ERROR_NOTHING_TO_CLAIM);

    _claimSellOrder(_seller, _batchId, _collateral);

5. Claim Cancelled Buy Order In rare cases (when collateral is removed) it may happen that a given batch is cancelled and pending orders may still be open. This method allows an user who bought to get back the collateral he paid (DAIs).

 * @notice Claim the investments of `_buyer`'s `_collateral.symbol(): string` buy orders from cancelled batch #`_batchId`
 * @param _buyer      The address of the user whose cancelled buy orders are to be claimed
 * @param _batchId    The id of the batch in which cancelled buy orders are to be claimed
 * @param _collateral The address of the collateral token against which cancelled buy orders are to be claimed
function claimCancelledBuyOrder(address _buyer, uint256 _batchId, address _collateral) external nonReentrant {
    require(_batchIsCancelled(_batchId, _collateral),    ERROR_BATCH_NOT_CANCELLED);
    require(_userIsBuyer(_batchId, _collateral, _buyer), ERROR_NOTHING_TO_CLAIM);

    _claimCancelledBuyOrder(_buyer, _batchId, _collateral);

6. Claim Cancelled Sell Order In rare cases (when collateral is removed) it may happen that a given batch is cancelled and pending orders may still be open. This method allows an user who sold to get back his tokens (MSUs).

 * @notice Claim the investments of `_seller`'s `_collateral.symbol(): string` sell orders from cancelled batch #`_batchId`
 * @param _seller     The address of the user whose cancelled sell orders are to be claimed
 * @param _batchId    The id of the batch in which cancelled sell orders are to be claimed
 * @param _collateral The address of the collateral token against which cancelled sell orders are to be claimed
function claimCancelledSellOrder(address _seller, uint256 _batchId, address _collateral) external nonReentrant {
    require(_batchIsCancelled(_batchId, _collateral),      ERROR_BATCH_NOT_CANCELLED);
    require(_userIsSeller(_batchId, _collateral, _seller), ERROR_NOTHING_TO_CLAIM);

    _claimCancelledSellOrder(_seller, _batchId, _collateral);