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Windows MinGW

Windows MinGW #39

# File: %windows-mingw-build.yml
# This uses a Linux container and the "Minimalist GNU for Windows" to cross
# compile executables for Windows.
# The main reason this exists in addition to the MSVC-based non-cross-compiling
# process is because the original CI process on Travis did not have containers
# running windows. So this was the only way to build Windows executables.
# Keeping it working has several advantages:
# * It tests compilation in a somewhat "alien" environment, which increases the
# likelihood that the code is being kept in shape such that it could be
# compiled for other unusual platforms.
# * If the cross-compilation with MinGW works, then odds are pretty good that
# the non-cross-compiling MinGW that runs on native Windows will work too.
# * Some open source libraries do not have configuration environments tailored
# to the MSVC toolchain. It may come up that someone wants to use such a
# library on Windows, and it can be easier to do that with MinGW than to
# try and figure out how to get it working with the MSVC toolset.
# There are limits to how much work is worth it to keep this working, but it
# has been historically not much cost so it's allowed to stay.
#====# PLEASE READ THE README #===============================================#
# Whenever this file says "See README", that is referring to the notes in the
# %.github/workflows/ file. If something appears in multiple GitHub
# Workflow files, it's best to document it there instead of repeating it:
name: Windows MinGW
# See README: When To Trigger Builds
branches: [
# master,
mingw, # pushing to mingw won't build other workflows, use to debug
windows # pushing to windows builds this and msvc, use to debug
branches: [
workflow_dispatch: # Allows running this workflow manually from Actions tab
# Standardize to use bash on all platforms.
# See README: Using The Strict Erroring Bash Shell
shell: bash
# Each "Job" runs in its own VM, and a workflow run is made up of one or more
# jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel.
# See README: Jobs
windows-mingw-build: # Name of this workflow's only job
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# See README: Build Matrix
# NOTE: The older MinGW used here is missing imports required by libuv.
# These are fixed in a modern MinGW, however running on an older MinGW
# is more interesting to keep on top of these glitches and how many of
# them there are. (If the core can't build even without libuv on an older
# MinGW it's more worth knowing about than that the extensions can build
# on a newer MinGW.)
- os-id: 0.3.40 # 64-bit Target (built on this 64-bit platform)
config-file: mingw-x64.r
standard: c++17
debug: none
extensions: "Network - Filesystem - Process - Locale - DNS -"
variation: "" # ^-- Note
- os-id: 0.3.1 # 32-bit Target (built on this 64-bit platform)
config-file: mingw-x86.r
standard: c99
debug: normal
extensions: "Network - Filesystem - Process - Locale - DNS -"
variation: "" # ^-- Note
# See README: Environment Variables
AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME: metaeducation
# See README: Minimize GitHub-Specific Syntax
OS_ID: ${{ matrix.os-id }}
CONFIG_FILE: ${{ matrix.config-file }}
STANDARD: ${{ matrix.standard }}
DEBUG: ${{ matrix.debug }}
EXTENSIONS: ${{ matrix.extensions }}
VARIATION: ${{ matrix.variation }}
# Steps are a sequence of tasks that will be executed within a single VM
# as part of the job.
# See README: Steps
steps: # (no indentatation needed below; so indent the minimum!)
#====# CHECKOUT STEPS #=====================================================#
# See README: Checkout Action
- uses: actions/checkout@v3 # See README: Trusted Actions
# The full commit is passed to make to build into the binary, and the
# abbreviated commit is used to name the executable.
# See README: Portably Capturing Git Hashes
- name: Grab Git Hash and Short Hash Into Environment Variables
run: |
git_commit="$(git show --format="%H" --no-patch)"
git_commit_short="$(git show --format="%h" --no-patch)"
echo "GIT_COMMIT=$git_commit" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "GIT_COMMIT_SHORT=$git_commit_short" >> $GITHUB_ENV
#====# TOOLCHAIN INSTALLATION STEPS #=======================================#
# !!! Ideally this would use the same step that clients can use to build
# the system with ``. Unfortunately, something about the GitHub
# Ubuntus do not like the old bootstrap executable. Make sure the
# ordinary path works, but for the moment patch over it just to get
# to a point where the action works.
- name: Fetch R3 To Use For "Prep" Build Steps as $R3MAKE
run: |
source tools/bash/
echo "R3MAKE is set to $r3make"
echo "But that executable won't run on GitHub for some reason"
# "$r3make" --do "print {TESTING 1 2 3}" # NOT WORKING, dunno why
cd prebuilt
chmod +x r3-linux-8994d23-patched
echo "So now R3MAKE is $r3make"
echo "R3MAKE=$r3make" >> $GITHUB_ENV # pass to next step
- name: Stop the build early if the R3MAKE is no good
run: |
"$R3MAKE" --do "print {R3MAKE is Working} quit"
# MinGW appens to include the libraries for ODBC, since those are present
# by default for Windows.
- name: Get MinGW
run: |
sudo apt install binutils-mingw-w64-i686
sudo apt install gcc-mingw-w64-i686
sudo apt install mingw-w64
# Show a little bit of sanity check information.
- name: Output System Information
run: |
echo "GCC version check:"
gcc -v # not the same as MinGW
#====# BUILD STEPS #========================================================#
# See README: {Braces} For %make.r String Parameters
- name: Use Rebmake to Generate a makefile
run: |
mkdir build
cd build
"$R3MAKE" ../make.r \
config="../configs/$CONFIG_FILE" \
target=makefile \
standard=$STANDARD \
os_id=$OS_ID \
debug=$DEBUG \
git_commit="{$GIT_COMMIT}" \
rigorous=no \
static=no \
- name: Create Folders For Build Products (Compiler Won't Create Them)
run: |
cd build
make folders
- name: Prep the Build By Making Various Auto-Generated .h and .c Files
run: |
cd build
make prep
- name: Optional Download of Prep Files Before They Can Cause Build Failure
if: false # Change this to true to download a file
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 # See README: Trusted Actions
name: tmp-internals.h
path: build/prep/include/tmp-internals.h
- name: Compile and Link the C Files to into R3BUILT
run: |
cd build
make -j 2 # Linux GitHub Runners have 2 cores, use 2 jobs
#====# NO TEST OR DEPLOYMENT #==============================================#
# We currently don't deploy or test the executables, trusting the MSVC
# build which is already on a Windows container to do it. Also, this
# lacks filesystem and network functions due to missing libuv dependencies.
# It would be possible to create another job specific to the testing, that
# would run in a Windows container...but really, this is already a bit of
# a stretch as being important given how many higher priority builds are
# being made. If someone has a good reason to be dependent upon MinGW
# then they can worry about taking this further.