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WebAssembly WASI

WebAssembly WASI #19

Workflow file for this run

# File: %wasi-build.yml
# GitHub Workflow for building the Wasi version of Ren-C. This is for use in
# non-Browser, non-NodeJs hosts (e.g. Wasmtime, WasmEdge, Wasmer). So rather
# than being built with Emscripten, it is built using "Wasi-Sdk" (because the
# STANDALONE_WEBASSEMBLY support in Emscripten is somewhat minimal).
# See %configs/wasi.r for more information on this build.
#====# PLEASE READ THE README #==============================================#
# Whenever this file says "See README", that is referring to the notes in the
# %.github/workflows/ file. If something appears in multiple GitHub
# Workflow files, it's best to document it there instead of repeating it:
name: WebAssembly WASI
# See README: When To Trigger Builds
branches: [
branches: [
workflow_dispatch: # Allows running this workflow manually from Actions tab
# Standardize to use bash on all platforms.
# See README: Using The Strict Erroring Bash Shell
shell: bash
# Each "Job" runs in its own VM, and a workflow run is made up of one or more
# jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel.
# See README: Jobs
wasi-build: # Name of this workflow's only job
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# See README: Build Matrix
- os-id: 0.16.4 # "wasi" build
config-file: wasi.r
# See README: Environment Variables
AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME: metaeducation
# See README: Minimize GitHub-Specific Syntax
OS_ID: ${{ matrix.os-id }}
CONFIG_FILE: ${{ matrix.config-file }}
# Steps are a sequence of tasks that will be executed within a single VM
# as part of the job.
# See README: Steps
steps: # (no indentatation needed below; so indent the minimum!)
#====# CHECKOUT STEPS #====================================================#
# See README: Checkout Action
- uses: actions/checkout@v3 # See README: Trusted Actions
# The full commit is passed to make to build into the binary, and the
# abbreviated commit is used to name the executable.
# See README: Portably Capturing Git Hashes
- name: Grab Git Hash and Short Hash Into Environment Variables
run: |
git_commit="$(git show --format="%H" --no-patch)"
git_commit_short="$(git show --format="%h" --no-patch)"
echo "GIT_COMMIT=$git_commit" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "GIT_COMMIT_SHORT=$git_commit_short" >> $GITHUB_ENV
#====# TOOLCHAIN INSTALLATION STEPS #======================================#
# !!! Ideally this would use the same step that clients can use to build
# the system with ``. Unfortunately, something about the GitHub
# Ubuntus do not like the old bootstrap executable. Make sure the
# ordinary path works, but for the moment patch over it just to get
# to a point where the action works.
- name: Fetch R3 To Use For "Prep" Build Steps as $R3MAKE
run: |
source tools/bash/
echo "R3MAKE is set to $r3make"
echo "But that executable won't run on GitHub for some reason"
# "$r3make" --do "print {TESTING 1 2 3}" # NOT WORKING, dunno why
cd prebuilt
chmod +x r3-linux-8994d23-patched
echo "So now R3MAKE is $r3make"
echo "R3MAKE=$r3make" >> $GITHUB_ENV # pass to next step
- name: Stop the build early if the R3MAKE is no good
run: |
"$R3MAKE" --do "print {R3MAKE is Working} quit"
# Wasi-Sdk is part of the WebAssembly GitHub Repository. It has a version
# of clang that has been configured to emit wasm32 instructions. But we
# also need a `sysroot` to provide the cross-compilation header files, so
# when we compile with #include <stdio.h> (or whatever) it pulls that from
# wasi version instead of the /usr/include of this Linux container.
- name: Get the Wasi-Sdk from GitHub Release
run: |
tar xf wasi-sdk-20.0-linux.tar.gz
tar xf wasi-sysroot-20.0.tar.gz
# Everything in makefiles tends to be rigged up a bit hackily, and it's no
# exception here...the hardcoded environment variables WASI_CLANG and
# WASI_SYSROOT are looked up by %wasi.r in order to know where you put the
# non-native toolchain.
- name: Set Compiler and Sysroot Environment Variables Used By %wasi.r
run: |
echo "WASI_CLANG=$(pwd)/wasi-sdk-20.0/bin/clang" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "WASI_SYSROOT=$(pwd)/wasi-sysroot" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Show a little bit of sanity check information
- name: Output System Information
run: |
echo "Current directory is: $(pwd)"
echo "WASI-SDK/clang version check:"
wasi-sdk-20.0/bin/clang -v
#====# BUILD STEPS #=======================================================#
# Note: optimization for the WASI build must be 0 if debug information is
# requested. Otherwise it is done for size, and the real "optimization" is
# done with a post-processing step (with WasmEdge's `wasmedgec`)
# See README: {Braces} For %make.r String Parameters
- name: Generate Makefile for Emscripten-Based Build
run: |
mkdir build
cd build
"$R3MAKE" ../make.r \
config="../configs/$CONFIG_FILE" \
target=makefile \
standard=gnu99 \
os_id=$OS_ID \
debug=none \
git_commit="{$GIT_COMMIT}" \
rigorous=no \
static=no \
- name: Create Folders For Build Products (Compiler Won't Create Them)
run: |
cd build
make folders
- name: Prep the Build By Making Various Auto-Generated .h and .c Files
run: |
cd build
make prep
- name: Optional Download of Prep Files Before They Can Cause Build Failure
if: false # Change this to true to download a file
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 # See README: Trusted Actions
name: tmp-internals.h
path: build/prep/include/tmp-internals.h
- name: Compile and Link the C Sources to To Make .wasm and .js Files
run: |
cd build
make -j 2 # Linux GitHub Runners have 2 cores, use 2 jobs
- name: List Build Products
run: |
cd build
ls -alF
#====# UPLOAD STEPS #======================================================#
# We only want to build pull requests, we do not want to upload them to
# the AWS server. Deployment should happen only once a commit has been
# accepted and pushed to master. And then, it should only be greenlit
# (to be the version the web console uses) if it passes the smoke test in
# a headless browser.
# Unfortunately...there's no particularly great way to exit the steps
# cleanly now if it's only a pull request. We can stop the steps, but
# it would look like an error:
# So either we write one giant monolithic step, or every subsequent step
# has to be qualified with an `if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'`.
# Though the latter is not *ideal*, it's good enough for government work.
# Note: Steps will be stopped by default if any fail, but you can turn
# a step back on with an `if: failure()` condition.
# This action configures the AWS keys stored in GitHub's "Secrets" for
# the repository so that `aws s3` allows us to do uploads, without needing
# to publish any passwords publicly:
# See README: Trusted Actions
- name: Configure AWS Credentials
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' # see notes on DEPLOY STEPS
uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1
aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.METAEDUCATION_AWS_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.METAEDUCATION_AWS_SECRET_KEY }}
aws-region: us-east-1
#====# INSTALL WASMEDGE RUNTIME #==========================================#
# We do this after the build, because it does no good to download it
# unless we have something to optimize and run.
- name: Install WasmEdge Runtime
run: |
curl -sSf | bash
#====# INSTALL REN-C #=====================================================#
# Useful to have a Ren-C on hand to validate tests with.
- name: Download and Cache the Interpreter
uses: metaeducation/ren-c-action@release
checked: true
#====# TESTING STEPS #=====================================================#
# The compiler optimisation through the -O setting is generic, and a much
# better optimization can be achieved if it's specifically tailored to the
# runtime it's going to run on. Try optimization provided by WasmEdge.
- name: Optimize Build Result for WasmEdge
run: |
source /home/runner/.wasmedge/env
cd build
wasmedgec r3.wasm r3.wasm
- name: WasmEdge Smoke Test
run: |
source /home/runner/.wasmedge/env
cd build
wasmedge r3.wasm --do \
"print ['** parse {Hello, Cloud} [thru space across to <end>] '**]"
# The command `--dir x:.` tells WasmEdge to allow file access to the
# current directory `.`, and to map it `:` to the directory that wasmedge
# considers %x/
# (It does not appear that `--dir .:.` is allowed to work.)
- name: WasmEdge Read and Write Test
run: |
source /home/runner/.wasmedge/env
cd build
wasmedge --dir x:. r3.wasm --do \
"print {Begin}, basic-write %x/test.txt {Test}, print {End}"
wasmedge --dir x:. r3.wasm --do \
"either {Test} = as text! basic-read %x/test.txt [print {Yay}] [fail]"
r3 --do \
"if {Test} = as text! read %test.txt [print {Verified}] else [fail]"