This module assists with the creation of WMI subscriptions to monitor for, and log, new outbound network connections on one or more systems. Subscriptions can be either ephemeral (session only) or persistent, depending on whether the monitor needs to persist through reboots.
This module assists with the creation of WMI subscriptions to monitor for, and log, new outbound network connections on one or more systems. Subscriptions can be either ephemeral (session only) or persistent, depending on whether the monitor needs to persist through reboots.
Powershell Gallery (PS 5.0, Preferred method)
install-module NetConMonitor
Manual Installation
iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("")
Or clone this repository to your local machine, extract, go to the .\releases\NetConMonitor directory and import the module to your session to test, but not install this module.
0.0.1 - Initial Release
Please feel free to contribute by opening new issues or providing pull requests. For the best development experience, open this project as a folder in Visual Studio Code and ensure that the PowerShell extension is installed.
This module is tested with the PowerShell testing framework Pester. To run all tests, just start the included build scrip with the test param .\Build.ps1 -test
Author: Topher Whitfield