HTTP sink and source based on the Hackney library.
It is part of Membrane Multimedia Framework.
Add the following line to your deps
in mix.exs
. Run mix deps.get
{:membrane_hackney_plugin, "~> 0.11.0"}
This pipeline should get you a kitten from imgur and save as kitty.jpg
. To run it you need
in your project's dependencies.
Mix.install(membrane_hackney_plugin: "~> 0.11.0", membrane_file_plugin: "~> 0.17.0")
defmodule DownloadPipeline do
use Membrane.Pipeline
alias Membrane.{File, Hackney}
@impl true
def handle_init(_ctx, _opts) do
spec =
child(:source, %Hackney.Source{
location: "",
hackney_opts: [follow_redirect: true]
|> child(:sink, %File.Sink{location: "kitty.jpg"})
{[spec: spec], %{}}
{:ok, _supervisor_pid, _pipeline_pid} = Membrane.Pipeline.start_link(DownloadPipeline, [])
The following pipeline is an example of file upload - it requires Goth library with
properly configured credentials for Google Cloud and :membrane_file_plugin
in your project's dependencies.
Mix.install(membrane_hackney_plugin: "~> 0.11.0", membrane_file_plugin: "~> 0.17.0", goth: "~> 1.0")
defmodule UploadPipeline do
use Membrane.Pipeline
alias Membrane.{File, Hackney}
@impl true
def handle_init(_ctx, [bucket, name]) do
spec =
child(:source, %File.Source{location: "sample.flac"})
|> child(:sink, %Hackney.Sink{
method: :post,
location: build_uri(bucket, name),
headers: [auth_header(), {"content-type", "audio/flac"}]
{[spec: spec], %{}}
@impl true
def handle_child_notification(%Hackney.Sink.Response{} = response, from, _ctx, state) do
IO.inspect({from, response})
{:ok, state}
@impl true
def handle_child_notification(_notification, _from, _ctx, state) do
{:ok, state}
defp auth_header() do
{:ok, token} = Goth.Token.for_scope("")
{"Authorization", "#{token.type} #{token.token}"}
defp build_uri(bucket, name) do
"{bucket}/o?" <>
URI.encode_query(uploadType: "media", name: name)
pipeline_opts = ["some_bucket", "uploaded_file_name.flac"]
{:ok, _supervisor_pid, _pipeline_pid} = Membrane.Pipeline.start_link(UploadPipeline, pipeline_opts)
The development of this plugin was sponsored by Abridge AI, Inc.
Copyright 2018, Software Mansion