Roguelike final project
Week 4
cody, jte, lelberty
=== Current bugs: ===
- Terminal close isn't supported from eclipse. You need to either press 'Q' to quit or use eclipse to stop the process
=== Package structure: ===
All below are prefixed with edu.brown.cs.roguelike
==== Engine ====
This is code for the engine, which should be code more general to roguelikes:
- engine.config - configuration file loading/object marshalling
- engine.entities - entity (player/monster/npc etc) logic
- engine.entities.events - events and actions that entities can observe and take, respectively
- engine.events - high-level action/event abstraction (keystrokes, etc)
- engine.game - core game logic/turn management
- engine.graphics - graphics (Lanterna) classes
- engine.level - all classes that collectively make up a Level
- engine.proc - procedural content generation
- engine.save - all save-game logic
- engine.fsm - Finite state machine
- engine.fsm.monster - FSM's for monsters
- engine.pathfinding - A* pathfinding logic
- engine.config.test - round-trip marshalling tests
- engine.graphics.test - a simple test implementation of Application and Layer
- engine.level.test - unit tests for level classes - primarily serialization
- engine.save.test - unit tests for save-game logic classes
==== Game ====
This is code related to the actual game:
- game - GUIApp is the in-progress implementation of Application, and Roguelike is our actual game
==== Support ====
Then we also have some support classes, all located in (with no prefix):
- cs195n - TA support code we use
| Engine supports transitions between two levels | GoToLevel provides means for transporting player to other level | Engine has some concept of equipment | Stackables
| Player can equip items from inventory | Weapons can be picked up and wielded. | Player can move between levels | Stairs provide means to access other levels | No serious bugs exist in gameplay | Not that we know of.
Approximate number of hours:
40 hours collectively