Receives tags information from the reader and stores in the database. Using Django Rest Framework.
- Make sure you have Python installed
…\rfid-tag-django-api> py -V
Python 3.9.6
- Create a python virtual environment
…\rfid-tag-django-api> py -m venv env
- Activate the virtual environment
…\rfid-tag-django-api> .\env\Scripts\Activate.ps1
- Install the required modules from requirements.txt
(env) …\rfid-tag-django-api> pip install -r .\requirements.txt
- Create a file named, in the 'tagsProject' directory, for storing the Django Secret Key (and maybe other secrets later)
(env) …\rfid-tag-django-api> New-Item -Path .\tagsProject\ -Name "" -Value "DJANGO_SECRET_KEY = 'django-insecure-a-random-generated-key'"
- Migrate and run
(env) …\rfid-tag-django-api> py .\ makemigrations
(env) …\rfid-tag-django-api> py .\ migrate
(env) …\rfid-tag-django-api> py .\ runserver