This is the official library for Python clients of the BlockScore API. Click here to read the full documentation.
Via pip:
pip install blockscore
import blockscore
client = blockscore.Client({'api_key':'Your API Key'})
people_list = client.people.all()
people_list = people_list.body
people_list = client.people.all(count=5)
people_list = people_list.body
person = client.people.retrieve(person_id)
person = person.body
test_identity = {
"name_first": "John",
"name_middle": "Pearce",
"name_last": "Doe",
"birth_day": "23",
"birth_month": "8",
"birth_year": "1980",
"document_type": "ssn",
"document_value": "0000",
"address_street1": "1 Infinite Loop",
"address_street2": "Apt 6",
"address_city": "Cupertino",
"address_subdivision": "CA",
"address_postal_code": "95014",
"address_country_code": "US",
person = client.people.create(test_identity)
person = person.body
question_set = client.question_sets.create(person_id)
question_set = question_set.body
score = self.client.question_sets.score(qset_id, [
{'question_id':1, 'answer_id':1},
{'question_id':2, 'answer_id':1},
{'question_id':3, 'answer_id':1},
{'question_id':4, 'answer_id':1},
{'question_id':5, 'answer_id':1}
score = score.body
- The generic error class is BlockscoreError. All other types of errors are derived from BlockscoreError.
- Errors contain information such as the HTTP response code, a short message describing the error, the type of error, and if applicable, the parameter and error code at issue.
- Also available in the error object is the full JSON text representation of the data.
- BlockscoreError (Generic error, base class)
- AuthenticationError (401 : Invalid API Key)
- ValidationError (400 : Input could not be validated)
- ParameterError (400 : Missing parameter)
- NotFoundError (404 : Attempting to reference nonexistent endpoint)
- InternalServerError (500 : Error on the Blockscore API)
- Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
- Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.
- Fork the project.
- Start a feature/bugfix branch.
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution.
- Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
Copyright (c) 2014 BlockScore. See LICENSE.txt for further details.