A gem for creating data pipelines out of tiny, reusable objects
Initial code stolen shamelessly from http://pragdave.blogs.pragprog.com/pragdave/2008/01/pipelines-using.html
Announcement blog post is at http://blog.igodigital.com/blog/on-recommendations/the-stages-gem
You knit your stages together with '|'. The leftmost pipeline stage will contain a generator, which usually is an infinite loop.
Image you wanted to output every even number divisible by 3. First you would need a class that would output even numbers. Then you would want to select the ones that are divisible by 3. A simple implementation using stages would like this
pipeline = Evens.new | Select.new{ |x| x % 3 == 0}
loop { puts pipeline.run }
We have included some general purpose stages, map and select, which can accomplish many pipeline operations:
pipeline = Evens.new | Map.new{ |x| x * 3} | Select.new{ |x| x % 7 == 0}
3.times{ pipeline.run } #[0, 42, 84]}
As of 0.2.7, we have a fancy new alternative syntax for this, which feels more like ruby:
pipeline = evens | map{|x| x*3} | select{|x| x % 7 == 0}
Just include Stages::Sugar to get all the helpers.
The feeder stage lets you have a pipeline which can add new values to the left hand side:
pipeline = feeder
feeder.done? # true
feeder << 1
feeder.done? # false
feeder.run # 1
feeder.done? # true
The wrap stage has different behavior depending on the arguments you specify. In general, it runs the given pipeline in the context of the passed value. Wrap has various output modes you can use depending on what you are expecting.
emit('foo') | wrap(each{|x| x.chars}, :hash) # {'foo' => ['f', 'o', 'o']} this is the default
emit('foo') | wrap(each{|x| x.chars} | group, :aggregated) # {'foo' => {'f' => 1, 'o' => 2}} assumes a single value output
emit('foo') | wrap(each{|x| x.chars}, :array) # ['f', 'o', 'o'] discards the original value
emit('foo') | wrap(each{|x| x.chars}, :each) | run_until_exhausted # ['f', 'o', 'o'] equivalent to array + each
emit('foo') | wrap(each{|x| x.chars}){ |k, v| {k => v}} # {'foo' => ['f', 'o', 'o']
emit('foo') | wrap(each{|x| x.chars}, :each){|k, v| {k => v}} # {'foo' => 'f'} ... {'foo' => 'o'}
Each does not build an internal list of results from the sub-array, and so may be useful in cases of high memory pressure when you are expecting many results for each input.
If you are writing a stage that needs to process an element, you probably want to subclass Stage and implement handle_value.
If you are writing a generator, you probably want to subclass Stage and implement process
There are BREAKING CHANGES in 0.4.0. Nil and false no longer kill pipelines, there is a special value that does that. If you are overriding process and have a construct like this:
while v = input
do_things v
You will need to replace it with something like this:
while !source_empty?
do_things input
But, your pipelines now treat nil and false as perfectly valid values. It's breaking, but it's probably an improvement.