!!! READ ME !!! there's currently a lot of outstanding issues with just about everything in this config & surrounding tooling due to some long-term neglect. I'm working to resolve everything, however, I recommend additional caution if referencing anything in this repository as it may be outdated and/or broken.
my personal configuration for both Arch Linux based & Mac systems, available as both an Arch Linux and Alpine Linux based docker image, or installable via the script hosted at https://meatbox.one
i recommend not using this, but feel free to take a gander or a gamble.
an over-engineered system configuration and related tooling that aims to be pragmatic for me to use, but is built upon needless complexity, change, and technology; it serves as a personal playground to facilitate my day to day as well as ongoing learning & mastery of various workflows & tools.
, a new and ongoing venture into the world of(neo)vim
and associated config files, usingzplugin
for plugin management.config/
with my setup forawesome
, etc. for a full desktop environment for Linux based systems, aiming for a complete yet no-frills getting-shit-done workflow orientated around the terminal.zfuncs/
, containing an array of ZSH and POSIXsh
functions, respectivelyscripts/
, containing all of the setup scripts, cooirdinated bymeatbox
, a simplistic CLI for managing setup & upgrades of the configurationprojects/meatlab
, a work in progress config for my home media server, currently a whopping 2 containers glued together withdocker-compose
- automatic linting, testing, and building of the config into various docker images via CircleCI
to boot into latest docker image with simple terminal access:
docker run -it --rm meatwallace/meatbox-alpine:latest
docker run -it --rm meatwallace/meatbox-arch:latest
to run the latest setup script, execute the following in your terminal:
curl https://meatbox.one | bash
meatbox bootstrap
meatbox setup
if you're feeling adventurous/daring and are on linux w/ docker, you can grab x11docker and run the images with the full desktop environment. warning: this is insecure for a lot of reasons.
if running in VirtualBox, ensure that the Graphics Controller for the virtual machine is set to VBoxSGA. if this is set to any other value, Kitty (the default terminal) will not start.
# 1. put public and private SSH keys in ~/.ssh/id_.pub and ~/.ssh/id, respectively
touch .ssh/id
touch .ssh/id.pub
# 2. fix the file permissions to make the ssh agent happy
chmod 600 .ssh/id
chmod 600 .ssh/id.pub
# 3. load the ssh agent and add the key
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add .ssh/id
# 4. put private GPG key into ~/gpg.asc, load it from disk then remove it
touch ~/gpg.pub
touch ~/gpg.key
gpg --import ~/gpg.pub
gpg --import ~/gpg.key
rm -f ~/gpg.pub
rm -f ~/gpg.key
# 5. restart the gpg agent
killall gpg-agent
gpg-agent --daemon
Google Cloud Platform CLI:
gcloud auth login
gcloud config set project meatcloud
gcloud config set computer/zone australia-southeast1
Yabai (Tiling WM for Mac):
sudo yubai --install-sa