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A highly opinionated CLI to aid me in my day-to-day tasks engineer managing a large github, k8s estate.

ci ReportCard


Run reports outputting either to JSON or format using a template file.

export GITHUB_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxx

./scrng report --topic foo --owner some-owner  # outputs json

./scrng report --output template --topic foo --owner some-owner > team-foo.html # outputs html for all repos with tag

./scrng report --output template --repo some-repo --owner some-owner # outputs html for one repo

List all of the docker images used in a kustomize configuration.

export GITHUB_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxx

./scrng images kustomize --root {some-path} --root {some-other-path } # list all images

List all services in a Jaegar trace

./scrng images jaegar --trace-id=231d6db2c8be1d28a7c86d67716cf39e

List all of the docker images used in a kustomize configuration and map to repositories

export GITHUB_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxx

./scrng images kustomize --root {some-path} --root {some-other-path } --mapping {some-file-path}

An example mapping file

# this is a comment

# default github owner
owner = "org-1"

# know container repositories
container_repositories = [

# a container that doesn't map to a repo 
_ > "please/ignore"

# static is a repo we can't discover from the image name 
static > _

# the image 'bar' maps to repo 'foo' at the owner above
foo > "bar"

# you can namespace the image using the prefix "image:"
# the image 'bar2' maps to repo 'foo2' at the owner above
foo2 > "image:bar2"

# the image 'other-org' maps to another to github repo org-2/foo
org-2/foo > "other-org"
# the image 'no', 'yes' and 'maybe' maps to repo 'needle' at the owner above
needle > ["no", "yes", "maybe"]

Example output

    "name": "bar",
    "docker_container_repository" : "foo-container-repo",
    "version": "0.3.2",
    "count": 1,
    "repo": {
      "name": "foo",
      "url": "",
      "is_archived": false,
      "topics": [
      "languages": {
        "Dockerfile": 1572,
        "Go": 92022,
        "Makefile": 1609,
        "Shell": 1332

List all of the services touched by a Jaegar trace configuration and map to repositories

export GITHUB_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxx

./scrng images jaegar --trace-id=231d6db2c8be1d28a7c86d67716cf39e --mapping mappings.conf

List all of the repos with some basic information for a team.

export GITHUB_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxx

./scrng list --topic foo --owner some-owner | jq

List all repos without specific topics (in the example one, two or three)

export GITHUB_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxx

./scrng list -owner some-owner --omit-archived | jq -c '.[] |. as $parent | select(.repo.topics) | .repo.topics |  select( all( test("one|two|three") == false )) | $parent' | jq -r  '' | sort | uniq

List all non-archived repos

export GITHUB_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxx

./scrng list -owner some-owner --omit-archived