This project is used to develop OBS team Dashboard. The production instance can be found here:
The Dashboard include the following features:
- Today meetings
- Today absences
- Calendar
- Team related open PRs
- ...
We are using Vagrant to create our development environment. You need to install Vagrant and VirtualBox. After installing it:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Execute Vagrant in the cloned directory:
vagrant up
Start the app:
vagrant exec foreman start
Access the Rails app at localhost:3001. You can just sign up!
To contribute code open pull requests.
Ensure that RSpec, Rubocop, Slim-Lint, Git Cop and JSHint pass locally before sending your PR and always that you add new changes.
To run all the RSpec test:
vagrant exec bundle exec rspec
To run all the test in one spec file, for example spec/models/user_spec.rb
vagrant exec bundle exec rspec spec/models/user_spec.rb
To only run the test in the line 10 of the file:
vagrant exec bundle exec rspec spec/models/user_spec.rb:10
To run Rubocop displaying cop names in offense messages:
vagrant exec bundle exec rubocop -D
To autocorrect Rubocop offenses, displaying also cop names in offense messages:
vagrant exec bundle exec rubocop -aD
To run Slim-Lint in the current directory:
vagrant exec bundle exec slim-lint .
To run Git Cop, run the following task that will copy the configuration file in the correct directory for you:
vagrant exec bundle exec rake git_cop
Note that you need that your local master branch is up to date, as Git Cop will only check the new commits from your current branch commparing it with your local master branch.
To run JSHint in the current directory:
vagrant exec jshint .
Code published under MIT license (see LICENSE).