#M3CoreData 1.0
M3CoreData adds a series of extensions to the CoreData framework. It consists of 3 items:
- M3CoreDataManager Hides away all the usual CoreData setup code into a separate class
- M3FixtureController Adds support quickly generating fixture objects for testing from a JSON store
- NSManagedObjectContext+M3Extensions Adds some methods to simplify adding/retrieving objects
M3CoreData is licensed under the MIT licence
##JSON Store Format
The Fixtures Controller requires a specific structure on disk. Stores are folders, which contain the following:
- A _Metadata.json file for storing a dictionary of store metadata
- A JSON file for each entity called ‹‹entity name››.json
Each entity JSON file has a root dictionary. This dictionary contains the ID (a string) as the key and the object data (another dictionary) as the value. The object data contains the key-value pairs for the stored object. To many relationships should be represented as an array of IDs. Dates should be strings in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss ±hhmm.
Relationships are defined with simple IDs, in the format "‹‹entity name››.‹‹object id››".
For an example, see JSONStore.jsondata in the M3CoreData Tests project
##Change Log
- Tidied up the source
- Completed comments
- No longer supports Garbage Collection, instead uses ARC
- Removed many dependencies on AppKit in preparation for iOS version
- Added unit tests
- Removed M3JSONAtomicStore from framework
####API changes NSManagedObjectContext+M3Extensions
- (NSArray *)m3_objectsInEntityWithName:(NSString *)aName predicate:(NSPredicate *)aPredicate sortedWithDescriptors:(NSArray *)aDescriptors extraRequestSetup:(void (^)(NSFetchRequest *request))aSetup error:(NSError **)aError
Old: - (NSArray *)objectsinEntityWithName:(NSString *) predicate:(NSPredicate *) sortedWithDescriptors:(NSArray *)
New: - (NSArray *)m3_objectsinEntityWithName:(NSString *) predicate:(NSPredicate *) sortedWithDescriptors:(NSArray *)
Old: - (NSArray *)objectsinEntityWithName:(NSString *) predicate:(NSPredicate *) sortedWithDescriptors:(NSArray *) extraRequestSetup:(void (^)(NSFetchRequest *request))
New: - (NSArray *)m3_objectsinEntityWithName:(NSString *) predicate:(NSPredicate *) sortedWithDescriptors:(NSArray *) extraRequestSetup:(void (^)(NSFetchRequest *request)) error:(NSError **)
- (id)createObjectInEntityWithName:(NSString *) shouldInsert:(BOOL)
- (id)initWithInitialType:(NSString *) modelURL:(NSURL *) dataStoreURL:(NSURL *) storeOptions:(NSDictionary *)
@property (readonly) NSURL *dataStoreURL
@property (readonly) NSURL *modelURL
@property (readonly) NSURL *initialType
- (NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *)persistentStoreCoordinatorWithError:(NSError **)
- (BOOL)saveWithError:(NSError **)
Old: @property (assign) id delegate
New: @property (weak) id<M3CoreDataManagerDelegate> delegate
Old: - (NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *)persistentStoreCoordinator
New: @property (readonly) NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *persistentStoreCoordinator
Old: - (NSManagedObjectModel *)managedObjectModel
New: @property (readonly) NSManagedObjectModel *managedObjectModel
Old: - (NSManagedObjectContext *)managedObjectContext
New: @property (readonly) NSManagedObjectContext *managedObjectContext
Old: - (NSApplicationTerminateReply)save
New: - (BOOL)save
@property (readonly) NSManagedObjectModel *managedObjectModel
@property (readonly) NSURL *dataURL
Old: + (M3FixtureController *)fixtureControllerWithModel:(NSManagedObjectModel *) andDataAtURL:(NSURL *)
New: + (M3FixtureController *)fixtureControllerWithModel:(NSManagedObjectModel *) dataURL:(NSURL *)
Old: - (id)initWithModel:(NSManagedObjectModel *) andDataAtURL:(NSURL *)
New: - (id)initWithModel:(NSManagedObjectModel *) dataURL:(NSURL *)
Old: - (id)objectForID:(NSString *)
New: - (id)objectWithID:(NSString *) inEntityWithName:(NSString *)