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2021 10 26 TSC

David Brown edited this page Oct 26, 2021 · 1 revision

MCUboot TSC 2021-10-26


  • Andrzej Puzdrowski
  • David Brown
  • David Vincze
  • Garrett LoVerde
  • Roman Okhrimenko
  • Tamas Ban


  • Agenda bashing
  • Documentation generation
  • Slack?
  • Upcoming work/planning 1.9, etc


  • Documentation
    • A few months back, changed to new website
    • Pages are duplicated manually from docs directory into this repo
    • Need something more scalable
      • GH pages, readthedocs, docusaurus, etc?
      • Automate the process of moving doc updates into website-mcuboot repo
      • Generate the website from main repo, pulling structure from website repo
    • For now, leave as manual, while we consider other options
  • Discord? Mixed feelings
    • Update documentation a bit better on how to join Slack
  • Planning
    • David B: Increased simulator coverage
    • Large block writes (status swap method)
      • main issue needed is simulator coverage
      • Infineon making progress on this
    • Medium block writes
    • Staged start (arm) (needs a name)
    • Extended hooks


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