Copy-Paste rules the World! The Uber-Geeks only need 1 Clipboard to rule them all - The Global-Clipboard! Get it right here, or fork yourself one!
NOTE: The entire project is currently GPL3 Licensed.
Surely, ever copied something on your mobile device and wished you could paste it right then into a doc open on your laptop?
Or have you fired up multiple virtual machines (and had to hustle with clipboard sharing -- incompatible guest-additions, xclip hell, fifo tricks, ssh-paste-files, etc)
Oh, and what about sloppy work-arounds like emailing yourself the text, using multiple google-doc sessions, self-chating, etc just to share some text accross your many devices instantly?
It's all not efficient and not as awesome too! Just think about it, I know u can!
I got fed up of doing things the wrong way, and so I decided to shoot the zombies in the foot!
This project is for you if u just want only 1 clipboard to rule them all!
Just install a clipboard client u trust and like (our client provides client-side Gnu-PG [En|De]cryption (PKI Cryptography) and is python-based)
Do the simple one-time client configuration to link to a global-clipboard server u fancy (there's supposed to be in-built security in each client, so in terms of security, the client is all that matters).
- might involve one-time registration of your account, something like:
curl --form "email=[email protected]" --form "password=password" http://global_clipboard_server/clip/register
You only need a 1-time email-based activation for your account (activation link emailed to u)
Run you global-clipboard client and Rule the world!
Once your device(s) are linked to the global-clipboard, anything you copy on any of them instantly becomes available on your clipboard(s) on all linked devices.
- A client could support the ability to Turn-Off the service (or toggle it on/off) on demand.
*Python-Supporting Platforms (windows, mac, nix):
Under the clients directory of this project, you will find a ready-to-use client for python-supporting platforms (reliably tested on OpenSuse 11.4,12.1 and 12.2 for now).
This awesome python client works, thanks to the cross-platform clipboard project pyperclip [Al Sweigart], and the remarkable HTTP-for-humans project python-requests [Kenneth Reitz].
This client also utilizes GNU-pg via python-gnupg, for (d)encryption to ensure your clipboard contents are secure to and from the global-clipboard, and that they can only be read in their original form only on devices with your GNU-pg Private Key (at the server, we don't need to know your copy-paste contents at all!).
You might want to check the included README for your client on how to setup and ejoy the service just the best way.
- This client requires the python-gnupg Python package (check installation info here
- It also assumes that the clibboard server sends back clipboard content encoded in base64 (which is the current server's default behaviour)
- This client comes along with an Optional GUI Front-end called GClip, built using QT4 and PyQt4 (and currently tested on KDE4 platforms only)
You can Host your Own
Because of the delicate nature of placing one's clibboard on the wire (much as ther's in-built security in the client say), you are free to setup your own trusted global-clibboard server (instructions below), limited to and only accessible behind your firewall, within your LAN or VPN.
Such a setup shouldn't be hard for anyone ready to follow the available docs or community guides (or even better, looking at the code). Find hints for doing this somewhere below...
Public Global-Clipboard:
You can point your client right at the globally-accessible Global-Clipboard service.
[This is gonna be ready for all of us to enjoy as soon as securing a reliable host for this is done - join in and make this real!]
The globalclipboard server is built with Python using the awesome and minimal web-framework []
It also uses the Open-Source Postgresql as the database backend (a little tweak to the code should make it work with any db backend u fancy though)
I recommend you run your server as a WSGI app [I've tested with an Apache container], but you could also just fire it up straight on the commandline like a good-ol' py, because supports this!
The server has little in terms of configuration, but you might want to change a few things in terms of logging (don't resist peeking at the file)
The server is just 1 file only, so reading and making changes to the code should be fun for those that want to sweat the technique ;-)
I might setup a google-group, or u can drop a request / ticket right here on github in case of anything.
This is just a sort o glorified weekend project, but am sure it gets the job done! And it's opensource, so feel free to mess with it, and fork!
Don't u forget this one truth: copy-paste runs the world [sometimes].