This is the SW for my raspberry pi model a based high-altitude balloon tracker.
It operates the following sensors on i2c:
- ublox max7q gps
- bmp085 barometric sensor
- adxl345 accelerometer
- hmc5883 magnetometer
On the SPI:
- MCP 3002 A/D converter to measure battery voltage
On the pwm output:
- two DS18B20 one wire thermometers
On the UART:
- one NTX2B with 300 bd RTTY
On the PWM output:
- one NTX2B for DominoEX16 (driver adapted from
The picam is used to collect hi resolution images on the sd card as well as video snippets of 2 min length. Low resolution images are transmitted via ssdv. ssdv functions are from
The i2c SW driver comes from here: and is needed since the pi hardware does not support clock stretching which is required for the gps chip.