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Editing Ledger files with TextWrangler

lifepillar edited this page Oct 28, 2012 · 1 revision

The following plist can be used to add Ledger support to the free OS X text editor TextWrangler. Just save the code below as Ledger.plist and put it inside ~/Library/Application Support/TextWrangler/Language Modules; then, close and re-open TextWrangler. Files with suffix .ledger will be recognized as Ledger files (additional file suffixes can be added in TextWrangler > Preferences > Languages) and colored accordingly. Besides, each transaction will be accessible from the function pop-up menu. Do not forget to edit the file to set your currencies (see the comments in the code)!

<!-- Gleefully brought to you by Lifepillar -->
<!-- Version 1.0.2 -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
  <key>BBLMColorsSyntax</key> <true/>
  <key>BBLMIsCaseSensitive</key> <false/>
  <key>Language Features</key>
    <key>Identifier and Keyword Characters</key>
    <key>Comment Pattern</key>
        (?>  [;#%|\*]  .*  $                       ) |
        (?>  @comment(?s:.*?)(?>@end\scomment|\z)  )
    <!-- Adapt currencies as needed (I'm too lazy to add them all) -->
    <key>String Pattern</key>
      (?>  -?\d+([,\.]\d+)*\s*(EUR|USD|CAD|AUD)  ) |
      (?>  \$\s*-?\d+([,\.]\d+)*[\s\z]               ) |
      (?>  \d+[:\/\-]\d+[:\/\-]\d+                   )
    <key>Function Pattern</key>
    <key>Skip Pattern</key>
  <!-- Commmand directives -->
  <!-- The following are not Ledger keywords   -->
  <!-- Feel free to remove them or modify them -->