Install git for windows
Install Miniconda for Python 3.6, 64-bit
Install Visual Studio Code
Open a terminal (command prompt) and run these commands:
cd c:\
mkdir dev
cd dev
git clone
Open Visual Studio Code, open directory c:\dev\python-twitter-utils
In the file picker on the left of Visual Studio Code, select
It should ask you about installing the python extension. Click it and pick the top option for Python by Don Jayamanne
Go to File -> Preferences -> Settings and on the right side add this line:
"python.linting.enabled": false
If you want to change your theme go to File -> Preferences -> Color Theme
Restart Visual Studio Code
Go to View -> Integrated Terminal and run this:
pip install python-twitter
pip install pytz
In Visual Studio Code, open "" and right click and select "Run python file in terminal" (or you can just type "python" in the terminal) It should give you an error saying you need to put in passwords. Help on that is here:
Create a Twitter App so you can get auth tokens:
After that you'll need to look over the settings at the top of, and create an input.csv with the screen_names you'd like to get tweets from.