is an HTTP server that calls go-nvml and provides an api to get
information about the NVIDIA GPU on a Linux server.
Because we may use macOS or Windows for development, but go-nvml needs Linux NVIDIA driver, so it will report error during development.
And we split it out as a standalone HTTP service so that we can compile and run the main application successfully even in an environment without NVIDIA drivers.
Downloading the binary executable from release. And run it.
$ ./detect-gpu-linux-amd64
2024/01/08 06:46:03 stat.go:60: [info] detect server start success, listen on
2024/01/08 06:46:03 stat.go:61: [info] detect gpu timeout: 1000 ms
2024/01/08 06:46:03 stat.go:62: [info] ROUTES:
2024/01/08 06:46:03 stat.go:63: [info] GET --> /api/v1/detect/gpu
$ ./detect-gpu-linux-amd64 -h
Usage of ./detect-gpu-linux-amd64:
-a, --addr string Address of detect server, format: ip:port, default: (default "")
-p, --path string Path of detect server, default: /api/v1/detect/gpu (default "/api/v1/detect/gpu")
-t, --timeout duration Timeout of detect gpu, default: 1s (default 1s)
pflag: help requested
Send a GET request using cURL or any language.
$ curl
"name":"NVIDIA A100 80GB PCIe",
"name":"NVIDIA A100 80GB PCIe",
$ git clone
$ cd detect-gpu
$ make linux
$ make test
is available using the standard go get command.
Install by running:
$ go get
You can refer to the example for usage.
Like this:
package main
import (
func main() {
timeOutDuration := 500 * time.Millisecond
testClient := detect.NewClient(detect.WithTimeout(timeOutDuration))
if err := testClient.Init(); err != nil {
defer testClient.Close()
gpus, err := testClient.DetectGpu()
if err != nil {
for _, gpu := range gpus {
fmt.Printf("%#+v\n", gpu)
Feel free to open issues and pull requests. Any feedback is highly appreciated!