TelegramMumbleBot is a simple telegram bot to notify mumble events to telegram chats. It can be easily deployed to Heroku, it just needs some config vars to be defined on your heroku app.
- Create a new heroku app.
- Select GitHub as deployment method and connect it to this or to your repository.
- Create a new bot account with BotFather.
- Go to your heroku app settings page and create the following config variables:
- TELEGRAM_TOKEN: the token you received from the BotFather.
- TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID: the id of the chat where you want the messages to be posted.
- MUMBLE_URL: mumble url in this format: mumble://hostname:port
- MUMBLE_USER: mumble username
- MUMBLE_PASSWORD: mumble password
- WEBHOOK_BASE_URL: your heroku app url in this format:
- To keep your bot always active with heroku free plan you can register your bot to
- To keep your bot active within a selected range of hours (and avoid wasting precious free dyno hours) you can use my wake-my-dyno-script (Google account required).
NOTE: the WEBHOOK_BASE_URL should be formatted just like in the example, without the ending slash
NOTE: You will have to change the key and cert files to the one you created for the bot's user if your mumble server requires them.