Clone this repo inside a catkin workspace.
See documentation available at If packages are not sourced, make sure to source them. For example, if your catkin workspace is in your Documents folder, run """source ~/Documents/catkin_ws_ind/devel/""".
""" roscd && cd ../ git clone [email protected]:ros-planning/moveit.git sudo apt install ros-kinetic-moveit-resources catkin_make """
""" cd ./StaubliURDF/move_it_arm_2/launch/ roslaunch demo.launch use_gui:=true """
Install minicom Setting it up
- Turn on Arm
- Connect the AWCII RS232 TERM usb (as /dev/ttyUSB0).
sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0
- Open arduino serial monitor (make sure the port is USB0) then close it (unsure of why this is needed)
D (load from disk d)
Y (yes, on scribe marks)
abort 0 (abort background process)
enable power
- exit minicom using ctrl-A Q
python output
- open minicom and connect to USB0 and run file with
exec output
Required packages can be installed via the following commands:
""" sudo apt install python-tk sudo pip install numpy-stl bintrees sortedcontainers matplotlib shapely descartes """